Jose Carillo's Forum


This section features wide-ranging, thought-provoking articles in English on any subject under the sun. Its objective is to present new, mind-changing ideas as well as to show to serious students of English how the various tools of the language can be felicitously harnessed to report a momentous or life-changing finding or event, to espouse or oppose an idea, or to express a deeply felt view about the world around us.

The outstanding English-language expositions to be featured here will mostly be presented through links to the websites that carry them. To put a particular work in better context, links to critiques, biographical sketches, and various other material about the author and his or her works will usually be also provided.

League of great literary authors hardly a mutual admiration society

One would think that great authors would have the nobility of spirit not to thrash the works of other authors in their own exalted league, but in “WAY HARSH: Famous Authors Who Hated Each Other’s Writing,” an infographic that came out in the May 19, 2014 issue of the Huffington Post, it turns out that this isn’t the case at all. The reality is that there isn’t much mutual admiration among these literary greats.

The Huffington Post infographic has mapped out the rivalries and one-sided vendettas of a good number of famous writers. The link below leads to that infographic where you can get a sampling of some of the meanest literary critiques you’ll ever have the chance to read anywhere. Use your mouse or cursor to hover over the arrow between any two authors. An authentic cutting insult directed by one author to the author will then appear onscreen.

WAY HARSH: Famous Authors Who Hated Each Other’s Writing

Just a word of advice: Don’t you ever emulate their meanness!

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