Hello, Silverlokk,
Yes, it should have been "software"...but you know, it happens to all of us when we're rushing with our fingers and hit the wrong key(s) and we sometimes forget to look at it again. Another case of oversight. We can also include equipment, and I've seen many who add an "s" when this is really both singular and plural in usage. There's also "staffs", "personnels", "crews", "stuffs".
Indeed, this must be pointed out too that these words are used incorrectly by many English "writers". You think we should collar them all? Best to find out from the Professor himself. Cheers!

On other online forums, I wouldn't bother -- it would take up too much of my time

However, this site, being about English grammar,
does bring out the grammar Nazi in me

I believe I do have the cred, being former associate, then technical, editor of PC World Philippines.