Jose Carillo's Forum


The Lounge is the newly expanded free-talk section of the Forum. You can post anything here about any topic outside English grammar and usage. Wide-ranging discussions and debates will be allowed in the Lounge subject only to the condition that the subjects are not unlawful, obscene, vulgar, sexually-oriented, hateful, and threatening. As in the Forum’s sections on English grammar and usage, we expect discussants to keep the Lounge a vibrant venue for relevant, healthy, and civilized discussions, not impertinent, angry, or violent ones.

So if you have any non-grammar thought or idea you’d like to share, make the Lounge the sounding board for it now! Let your fellow Forum members help you germinate the seed of that idea if it’s a good one—or terminate it if it turns out to be otherwise.

A dazzling audio-visual show: “Our World is Beautiful!”

I invite all Forum members to view this dazzling, thought-provoking, and ultimately humbling but inspiring audio-visual presentation on the Earth, the other planets, the universe, and beyond as seen through the lens of the Hubble telescope. It was sent to me by Forum member Ben Sanchez with the following note:


“A bit long but worth the time. Some great pictures you will probably never ever get to see. What you will see here is more than the imagination can understand; you may have seen some parts of the beginning of this program, but stay with it as it gets big, real big towards the end. Enjoy!”

I enjoyed the show immensely myself, and even if the English translation of the subtitles sometimes fumbles in some places, I’m sure so will you!

Click to view “Our World is Beautiful!” now!
(About 2-5 minutes download time for the 5Mb file, depending on connection speed)

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Page last modified: 10 October, 2010, 1:40 a.m.