Author Topic: Cat surrounded by iridescent flowers  (Read 19322 times)

hill roberts

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Re: Cat surrounded by iridescent flowers
« Reply #15 on: November 29, 2009, 05:05:43 AM »
Hi, Madgir,
I'm so glad you missed me. I did to....nice to know you enjoyed
the cat article! Anyway, I hope our Prof wouldn't mind if I gave
you my site@ which I recently
joined three weeks ago. I've posted a few and today, the latest is:
"British Woman Has 300 Orgasms a Day"- ;D ::) ::)--a Famous British Tabloid.
Hoax or not? Find out there.
Also, I'm serious about us Forum Members coining or inventing new
words. Imagine, a new coined word a day, that's 365 words in a year.
So, amiga mia, I know you're a busy girl, but do join please. :-* :)

hill roberts

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Re: Cat surrounded by iridescent flowers
« Reply #16 on: November 29, 2009, 05:32:43 AM »

I'd love to hear more about the carabao "moods" and "behaviour".
Thanks! ;D :-*


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Re: Cat surrounded by iridescent flowers
« Reply #17 on: November 29, 2009, 08:19:29 AM » "carabao mood" was when we four cousins (6 to 8 yrs old.) were playing "horsey horsey" on the carabao's back. It reckoned, maybe, it was different from what horse we knew (in Manila where we grew up, there were no carabaos but horses on calesas). The beast kept walking wishing one would at least decide (to pester ) the goats instead. The carabao's back was like a giant cinema seat, so we enjoyed making fun on it. I was at the far end near the tail, facing its back. Then I noticed a "very soft mound" where some fermented-looking black grass was oozing from. I was the most guess what? When I touched that thing, in an impulse, it shook me out (yanked me out) of its back and I fell on the ground, nose first.  :-\ . So, I lost my Spanish-definitive feature  :'(  ;D ;D ;D

Carabaos would show its temper through its eyes, as it can't really move quick since its skin is so tight. It would just look like this  ::). It would think of hitting you with its horn sometimes, but decide not to (because it is so kind). Grandpa would shout at him all other curses I don't hear at home  :-[, especially when the beast would go the other way, not to the old man's direction. Lots more of carabao stories...but let me remember them one by one.

Oh, Hill, I have been wishing to write my stories about childhood and province life. I think I'd start writing at Christmas vacation. Bits and pieces like these would eventually become good readings for my growing children. Philippine life is filled with treasured expriences. Older people just have to chronicle their past for the next generations  :).


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Re: Cat surrounded by iridescent flowers
« Reply #18 on: November 29, 2009, 08:39:06 AM »
Gosh, Hill, don't post that news here  :o. The "other gender" might be shocked ( and demoralized) ::). Let's talk about it in your weblog. did that woman count?  ::) You know, I love this Dr. House TV series with its new medical revelations; it's where I found out that they could monitor a patient as "having it" through some special machines or gadgets, even if the patient is unconscious or asleep. To some people "stronger than others", it's done in a speed of thought. Would that mean it could be had anywhere, anytime, as you like it? Ask the experts ;) . (dang!) off topic...delete

hill roberts

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Re: Cat surrounded by iridescent flowers
« Reply #19 on: November 30, 2009, 01:27:37 AM »
hahahahaha, Madgirl! This is the 21st century---the topic and headline came really from the British tabloid...I apologise to all those who turned red...Oops. I live in Europe and people here don't bat an eyelash let alone eyelid.
Joe, my deepest apologies! That was a slip up that would never happen again. Sorry, Forum Members. I really really made a mistake. Forgive me, please? :o 8) ::) Madgirl, enjoyed your Carabao Mood is not everyday that I hear such rare provincial stories. :-*


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Re: Cat surrounded by iridescent flowers
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2009, 08:15:12 PM »
I do agree that the greeting lacks proper exclamation and question marks to give its deeper meaning. But then I guess that an observer of  this picture would immediately be captured by the liveliness of the flowers and cat's eyes.