Hi Renz,
Ha ha ha! Yes, I do live in Spain and I do speak it, but not with my husband who doesn't speak it at all. Sorry for the confusion! No, Spaniards , at least, the majority of them, do not speak English although it is now seriously promoted unlike in the past where French and German were more considered important. However, with a large British community dominating the Spanish way of life, the government, in the last twenty years has made it their business to make English part of the curriculum. In fact, many Spanish friends of mine would send their kids to live in British homes in the UK to get to speak it, live it, and live the British way of life for three months of the year. In the Philippines, when Filipinos speak Spanish---or at least try to speak it---they are considered "posh". here, when the Spaniards speak English, they are considered "posh". It sounds laughable but that's the way it is with "social class" in mind. However, since the Philippines and its people speak English and English is considered a common language, the Spanish language, spoken by the elite there, gets to be the "poshier people", hahahahaah. Remember Gloria Diaz? In the 70's, when she was interviewed, she said that she spoke English with her friends, Spanish with her relations and Tagalog to her maids. Anyway, I watched an interview twenty years ago conducted by a Spanish TV presenter. I was shocked and embarrassed listening to her Spanish because she could hardly speak it. She could hardly string a grammatically-correct sentence! Yet, she boasted to everyone (at the height of her career) that she spoke Spanish like a native. Believe me, the Spanish TV host was so exasperated. No, Renz, she doesn't speak Spanish.