Author Topic: Playlist Update (February 19 - 25, 2021) for Forum Gateway on Facebook  (Read 2437 times)

Joe Carillo

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(14 new postings, 11 classic postings):
For quick access to the Forum’s featured English grammar refreshers and general interest stories, simply click their indicated web links below:

1. You Asked Me This Question: “The touchy matter of capitalizing names and position titles” (February 24, 2022)

2. Getting To Know English Better: “The great importance of parallelism in good writing – 1” (February 20, 2022)

3. Advice and Dissent—Urgent Retrospective: “Belief without evidence to support it is always morally wrong” February 24, 2022

4. Getting To Know English Better: “Logic and language” (February 24, 2022)

5. Notable Works by Our Very Own Retrospective: “Overlooked for months, ‘Connecting Flights’ finally connects with me" (February 24, 2022)

6. Essays by Jose A. Carillo: “English in a used jar” (February 22, 2022)

7. High Court Grammar Pitfalls: “Dealing with questionable or downright wrong legalese” (February 21, 2022)

8. Language Humor At Its Finest Retrospective: “Piecès de résistance in Hollywood moviemaking” (February 21, 2022)

9. Time Out From Grammar Retrospective: “Galileo was too impolitic wholly debunking Church dogma” (February 25, 2022)

10. Dealing with the Primary Moods in English: “A devilishly equivocal English grammar question!” (February 25, 2022)

11. Use and Misuse Retrospective: "Avoiding awful misuses of the English possessive" (February 25, 2022)

12. Essays by Jose Carillo Retrospective: “The grammar of manners” (February 21, 2022)

13. Retrospective on Ungrammatical Song Lyrics: “When a tremendously popular song legitimizes a grammatical atrocity” (February 20, 2022)

14. Language Humor at its Finest: “32 words of wisdom with a touch of humor” (February 24, 2022)


1. Advice and Dissent: “New history book asserts that the lost island of Mazaua is the true site of the first Holy Mass in the Philippines”

    (Originally posted January 8, 2021)

2. Advice and Dissent: “Belief without evidence to support it is always morally wrong”
    (Originally posted November 10, 2018)

3. Meditation on Our Digitized World: “The Tree of Life” 
    (Originally posted June 19, 2009)

4. Two magnificent performances of “The Prayer,” spaced 10 years apart
     (Originally posted January 22, 2017)

5. “The Lovely Clichés Worth Keeping”
     (Originally posted circa 2002   Reposted December 16, 2016)


6. Conversations (4): “The real score about Valentine’s Day”
    (Originally posted February 10, 2010   Reposted February 1, 2014)

7. “Did Rizal ever speak and write in English?”
    (Originally posted January 28, 2010, latest update December 30, 2016)

8. “Conversations (2): A serious bad-grammar syndrome”
   (Reposted January 18, 2017)

9. “Anatomy of media stories that Filipina women have the world’s smallest breasts”
    (Posted July 11, 2016)

10. “Lost in Translation” - 1 and 2
    (Posted December 30, 2016)

11. “Indignities in American minor”
    (Posted October 27, 2016)

Click this link to earlier Playdate features!

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« Last Edit: February 25, 2022, 09:00:29 PM by Joe Carillo »