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Messages - madgirl09

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Lounge / Re: Excuse, excuse!
« on: December 20, 2009, 06:28:36 PM »
max....where's your family picture???? :o

Oh yes, thank you, Sir. That's definitely the best solution so far- rely on science and logic, distort them a bit, then you have fiction. I had some bits of history research which did not yield a lot of benefits (well, not really  ;D ), and I want to use it for other genres. All I need is "time" (ahhhh!).

Question 1: What can you say about a fiction novel that talks about history-science-theology-cosmic matters?

Question 2: Do we need a "Masters degree" attached to our name when we publish a book? It seems it would need more tears and sweat before I could graduate from Masters. :'(


Amazing! This is what I'd like to read and write more. Even the Vatican is now open to studies on other lives in the universe. Would this alter our notion and beliefs/ theories on creation in the future? For the time being, sci-fi paperbacks are the only materials that can satisfy our curiousity about the possibilities of other entities thriving in the universe. If I have time, I would write similar short stories to Isaac Asimov's novels  ::). Unfortunately, there are available online studies on fiction writing but they are really far from affordable  :'(. Any fiction writer out there?

Hello Sir Joe! Welcome back! Hihihihi  :D :D :D

It's obvious that you were just so busy these past few days, and so just quickly copied and pasted some rules that didn't match the questions... out of your excitement to meet up with kins.   ;) You don't have to keep a close watch on us every we could party if you're not around, hehehe  :P. (right, max?)

I agree with all your comments and analysis of my sentence examples. My "had had" example didn't really make sense, haha, you noticed :D (As what's the reason for being absent when you no longer suffer from cold?. Actually, in Japan, even if you have hay fever or cold, you still have to go to work. Only swine flu or diarrhea could get you secluded, or sent home...due to sanitation, harharhar ;D).

Anyways, thanks that you are back to us, Sir. We can party again here (What souvenirs did you get from your sister?  ;))

Say guys, can we have Joe's Angels party next year? Sigh. We can't go home this Christmas  :(.

Hello Sir Joe....I just want to quickly call your attention to the discussion you had on "past perfect and present perfect". I think you just overlooked some of the "confusing" examples.

Here are some of the explanations you used. I'm printing them bold.

Here are the grammatically correct ways of constructing the sentences you presented:

1. “Yesterday, I went to the doctor and he told me that I have/had cancer.”

The present perfect “have cancer” instead of the past perfect “had cancer” has to be used in that sentence, as follows:

“Yesterday, I went to the doctor and he told me that I have cancer.”

"Have cancer" is not in the present perfect aspect, as "cancer" is a noun/direct object, and not a verb in the past participle form. The present perfect form of any verb is formed by adding an auxiliary verb has or have to the past participle form of the verb.....which is missing in the original sentence. The inquirer's original sentence was just in the simple past tense, not perfect aspect form.

By definition, the present perfect tense, which is formed in English with the auxiliary verb “have,” expresses an action or state completed at the time of speaking or a condition that continues or persists up to the present.Examples:
(a) Present perfect tense expressing an action or state completed at the time of speaking:

“I have finished my job.”

Correct! But you did not show a similar present perfect example to the inquirer's case.

(b) Present perfect tense expressing a condition that continues or persists up to the present:

“I have a bad cold.” “She has a bad cold.” “We have a bad cold.”

These are simply present simple tense (habitual) examples, not present perfect forms, observing the S-TV-DO sentence pattern. The "have" in each sentence is the main verb not an auxiliary verb, as it does not help or assist any verb present in the sentence. The present perfect aspect talks about an action that has been completed (I have had that H1N1 flu. I am already immune to it.). Any indication of a continuing perfect aspect (starting in the past and continuing at present) could be expressed through the present perfect progressive aspect: I have been suffering from swine flu for two weeks now.

In contrast, the past perfect tense, which is formed in English with the auxiliary verb “had,” denotes an action or state as completed at or before a past time spoken of. A sentence that uses the past perfect tense usually is constructed with another clause indicating a time reference that is one tense forward in time.

“I was absent last week because I had a bad cold.”
         past tense                              past perfect tense

Correct definition, but wrong sentence example.
It could be: "I was absent last week because I had had a bad cold."

Going over the rest of the examples, I realized that you chose the wrong set of rules to discuss. The original questions of the inquirer merely touched on rules governing "sequence of tense" in reported speech.  ;D ;D ;D IMHO IMHO IMHO
The rules discussed must be about "reported speech" and tenses in reported speech not present perfect or past perfect aspect rules. Hello, Sir Joe! Merry Christmas! ;)

Use and Misuse / Re: It's time everyone flies
« on: December 14, 2009, 11:14:54 PM »
I suspect this has something to do with quantifiers which could also serve as pronouns like many and much. Many help us. Much is said. Little was added. But why this pronoun/quantifier "little" was preceded by another determiner "every"...puzzles me. If used in a longer context and discourse, the use of "every little helps" could be grammatical in itself:

A: Donations for the typhoon victims...Do you have anything to share?
B: Hmn, just a little. Can't help much. I'm broke too.
A: Don't worry...Every little helps.  ::) ::) ::)

Notice that the meaning of "little" in the last sentence was slightly different from the second sentence usage. If the structures are like these, how do you call each of these "littles", Sir Joe?

Hihihi...fascinating grammar puzzles. ;D

I'll check another book tomorrow. ;D

Your Thoughts Exactly / Re: Advocacy for Formal Language Instruction
« on: December 11, 2009, 11:00:06 PM »
Wow! I learned a lot, renz. There were some things you mentioned, I fully agree with, their importance I was not really aware of till you discussed about them: creativity and discipline. Indeed, they are present in every individual, no matter in what degree. There is just one more important thing I would like you to include especially when analyzing the psyche of the Japanese. Religion! This may not be easily seen working now, but during WW II, it became a driving tool to move the people into one direction without so much question. The results of WW II made these people lose trust and belief in this religion and the leaders who took advantage of its power on the citizenry. Unconsciously, the spirit connected to this belief still controls the behavioral patterns of the Japanese (IMHO).

Hmm...Talking about WW II..You just motivated me to keep researching about WW II, Renz. I'd better stop here before you find out what aspects of WW II I have been researching about  ;D ;D ;D.

Member Introductions / Re: Hey I am Cha-yi!
« on: December 08, 2009, 11:31:48 PM »
the ypos..typos....correcting them means...dumping 1 million... ;D

Member Introductions / Re: Hey I am Cha-yi!
« on: December 08, 2009, 11:28:05 PM »
I think, they are confused about the meaning of the word "economy". There should be two sentences too. It could be another "Filipino English" thing again, when people "take" these strange "Filipino English" terms as real English. "We" often mention the word "economy" when our economic status is in turmoil, but never use the word when it is stable.

We can improve that slogan by saying: Fight for our economy! Shop to save jobs!

Sometimes, we become tolerant of the many mistakes posted on public walls and establishments especially when correcting it means dumping the 1 millon worth of printed advertisement  :'( :'( :'(

Lounge / Re: A letter of recommendation for an assistant programmer
« on: December 05, 2009, 07:10:48 PM »
waaaaah! that's a good caught us there! that is really a good but silly correspondence between "employers" making fun of their employees  ;D ;D! thanks! i'll copy that  :D.

It's good to be just a student. You tend to be more open to choices  ;). (ulp  :-X)

Here's to add more confusion to the heated discussion on "ceremonies".

In Japan, we say "wedding ceremonies" instead of wedding ceremony. The event really takes hours (or days) to finish, as there are about three solemn ceremonies for the bride and groom. The more traditional the wedding is, and the more "noble" the bride and groom are, the longer and lavish the celebration would be. The modern Japanese wedding even has two, at least, with the first being the traditional ceremony (in kimono), and the second, the Western wedding (in wedding gown), with a fake pastor/priest officiating  ;D. In the Philippines, we say just "wedding ceremony". This is because we have just one ceremony usually, and the rest are just tribal rituals.

I think, the use of words like "ceremony/ceremonies" really depends on the nature of the event and orientation of readership. When I was a high school teacher in PI, we always called the commencement exercises as closing ceremonies. These, I think were carried on from past American traditions. I remember my late grandfather's picture, him posing on stage when he graduated from his seventh grade (Elem) in an institution run by an American protestant church. His teachers were Americans. It was the first time I read the word "ceremonies" (from the cut-outs on stage).

Member Introductions / Re: Wonderful Day!
« on: December 01, 2009, 10:41:16 PM »
So you are now in London! Back in Dec-Jan 1996 and then again in Jan, 1998, I was in London for some short courses in English ;). It was not easy going to London on tourist visa, and going there on student visa would offer you a lot opportunities. Being student there for some months, I realized that the city is so boring to live in (all streets are dark by 5 pm!!!), but a wonderul place to rediscover (relics and history). Anyways, go to Queensway, London where you could find a language school (Stanton-lots of courses with various levels), and around Hammersmith (if you are not only for learning English but also in teaching it). Being close to the inner zones (1,2) would take you to a lot of wonderful night life  :-* :-* and shopping spree. The weekend tours to other European countries or the country are also teaming with competing prizes. Oh, this is the real treasure of London-being gateway to farther places that promise wonder.  :o :o

just a penny.....madgirl

Use and Misuse / Re: Comparatives
« on: November 30, 2009, 07:28:44 AM »
Hello Hill,
I know, Sir Joe won't delete that "news" of yours. Let it stay. Our forum needs something like that to break the monotony  ;D . I read it to hubby and ....(gosh  ::). The dialogue changed. He said, "Come have 300!".  :'(  It's winter, eh  :-*

Your title "My Close Encounter....." is a noun phrase, so the modifer must be an adjective. So, it should be "My Close......, Albeit Brief (and Candid)" ?

I think when BBC journalists say " Briefly please, we haven't got time", they mean "Say it briefly (tell us briefly), please, as we haven't got time". So, "briefly" serves as an adverb modifying "say".

Prof. Joe? ::)

Lounge / Re: Cat surrounded by iridescent flowers
« on: November 29, 2009, 08:39:06 AM »
Gosh, Hill, don't post that news here  :o. The "other gender" might be shocked ( and demoralized) ::). Let's talk about it in your weblog. did that woman count?  ::) You know, I love this Dr. House TV series with its new medical revelations; it's where I found out that they could monitor a patient as "having it" through some special machines or gadgets, even if the patient is unconscious or asleep. To some people "stronger than others", it's done in a speed of thought. Would that mean it could be had anywhere, anytime, as you like it? Ask the experts ;) . (dang!) off topic...delete

Lounge / Re: Cat surrounded by iridescent flowers
« on: November 29, 2009, 08:19:29 AM » "carabao mood" was when we four cousins (6 to 8 yrs old.) were playing "horsey horsey" on the carabao's back. It reckoned, maybe, it was different from what horse we knew (in Manila where we grew up, there were no carabaos but horses on calesas). The beast kept walking wishing one would at least decide (to pester ) the goats instead. The carabao's back was like a giant cinema seat, so we enjoyed making fun on it. I was at the far end near the tail, facing its back. Then I noticed a "very soft mound" where some fermented-looking black grass was oozing from. I was the most guess what? When I touched that thing, in an impulse, it shook me out (yanked me out) of its back and I fell on the ground, nose first.  :-\ . So, I lost my Spanish-definitive feature  :'(  ;D ;D ;D

Carabaos would show its temper through its eyes, as it can't really move quick since its skin is so tight. It would just look like this  ::). It would think of hitting you with its horn sometimes, but decide not to (because it is so kind). Grandpa would shout at him all other curses I don't hear at home  :-[, especially when the beast would go the other way, not to the old man's direction. Lots more of carabao stories...but let me remember them one by one.

Oh, Hill, I have been wishing to write my stories about childhood and province life. I think I'd start writing at Christmas vacation. Bits and pieces like these would eventually become good readings for my growing children. Philippine life is filled with treasured expriences. Older people just have to chronicle their past for the next generations  :).

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