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Messages - pedestrian

Pages: [1]
hi, Jose,

Recently, I read some passages in which there are some straight sentences as below:

1) Some make much of what matters little and little of much, always weighting on the wrong scale.

My comment:
a. in the second half sentence, it use "weighting", instead of "weight". If so, there is no any verb.
Then this second is incorrect in gramma, right ?
b. in the first half sentence, this is the first time for me to see this "little and little of much".
Could you tell me how to use it ?
c. is it necessary to use "semi-colon", instead of "," ?

2) I prefer to going to lunch at 12:00p.m. than at 1:00 p.m.

My comment:
a. according to what i know about the usage of "prefer", =>
But the above sentence does not satisfy "prefer sth to sth."

3) Time enlightens us too late of what was first only a flattering of the passions.

My comment:
a. this sentence is too complicated to my existing level of english
Firstly, i just understand the basic sentence "Time englightens us to late".
I really feel headache in other part following this basic sentence.

4) In some people judgement excels, in others valor.

My comment:
a. is it necessary to use "semi-colon", instead of "," ?
b. according to my understanding, "excels" is verb in the first half sentence,
 then the other half should use verb. But, why does it use noun "valor" ?
Please explain why the noun "valor" is used after the noun "others".

thanks for your help again

You Asked Me This Question / Re: Strange Sentence pattern
« on: July 30, 2011, 12:47:19 AM »
hi, Jose,

thanks to open my eye.
According to your explaination, I make the following sentences. Could you give me comments?

1.0). It is easy to find a job that supports your life, not so one that give you quality of life.
1.1). It is easy to find a job supporting your life, not so one giving you quality of life.

2.0). It is easy to have friend who share happiness, not so one who are able to provide help in difficulty.
2.1). It is easy to have friend to share happiness, not so one to provide help in difficulty.

3.0). I can defeat a man who is skinny, not so one who fat.


You Asked Me This Question / Strange Sentence pattern
« on: July 27, 2011, 12:20:01 AM »
Hi, Jose,

It is long time not in here. Learning language is really a distance progress.

Recently, I read a passage showing the following sentence:

"It is easy to kill a bird on the wing that flies straight, not so one that twists and turns."

"The gamester never plays the card the opponent expects, still less the one he wants.'

I don't understand the meaning and usage of the underlined part in the above sentence.

Could pls you help me ?


sorry for my poor English Level.

In the above content, it show different Language textbook have errors inside; however it just mentioned some paragraph, and did not explain where the error is. For me, it is difficult to learn from error.

anybody can mention where the error is ?


You Asked Me This Question / Re: Sentence structure
« on: November 06, 2010, 11:39:11 PM »
thanks for your reply.

I think i will suggest your book, rather than this website for my friend. This could be the best to you.
I only recommended my brother to login to this forum; but he was banned for some reason. He has no intention to show any advertisment in here since he is now unemployed and has no relationship with that advertisment at all. Hope you can accept him again.  ;)


Essays by Joe Carillo / Re: Reducing adjective clauses to adjective phrases
« on: November 06, 2010, 12:04:13 AM »
hi, jose,

Sorry for my poor English, but I did not realize the problem in the content stated by you:

=>>We must also beware that it isn’t always possible to reduce an adjective clause to an adjective phrase. For example, in the sentence “The rain that fell in torrents yesterday was the heaviest this year,” it’s not possible at all to reduce the adjective clause “that fell in torrents this morning.” To simply drop the relative pronoun “that” from the adjective clause produces this fractured sentence “The rain fell in torrents yesterday was the heaviest this year;” on the other hand, following the first reduction procedure described in Part I of this essay, to drop “that” and convert “fell” to the progressive-form “falling” to reduce the adjective clause to the adjective phrase “falling in torrents this morning” yields this semantically dubious, time-skewed sentence, “The rain falling in torrents yesterday was the heaviest this year.”

I did not understand your meaning what is semantically dubious, time-skewed...
Could you pls explain in detail ? Sorry for my stubid question.

You Asked Me This Question / Re: Sentence structure
« on: November 02, 2010, 09:49:45 PM »
hi, Joe,

thanks for your reply. Your platform is very good to those people studying English.
I need to introduce this platform to many of my friend.

I need your comment how to learn English more effectively.
I confused to so many type of clause in English, like independent, dependent, noun clause, adjective clause, prepositional phrase, restrictive clause and non-restrictive clause...

Where can I study them more effectively ?

You Asked Me This Question / Sentence structure
« on: November 02, 2010, 02:48:43 PM »
Hi, Jose,

Glad to has this platform to learn English !

I can understand the meaning of the following sentence; however i can not write the sentence like this. The most important is that I don't understand the sentence structure. I just know there is a main clause in the following sentence. What is the sentence structure of the other separated by comma?

The percentage of people from couple-with-children family in poverty is 12%, slightly higher than the average, more 5 % than that of couple-without-children family, lower than the average.

thanks ;)

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