« on: February 01, 2019, 08:11:32 AM »
For quick access to the Forum’s featured English grammar refreshers and general interest stories, simply click their indicated web links below:
(16 new postings):
1. Getting to Know English: “It’s a mark of civility to use ‘can’ and ‘may’ properly” (January 31, 2019)

2. Language Humor at its Finest: “A delightful hodgepodge of ‘sniglets’” (January 31, 2019)

3. Never Too Late To Banish Your Bafflement Over This Mood: “The subjunctive and its functions – 1” (January 31, 2019)

4. Time Out From English Grammar: “Russell Baker, longest-running New York Times columnist, writes 30 at 93” (January 31, 2019)

5. Language Humor At Its Finest Retrospective: “The perils of missing periods or forgetting commas” (January 31, 2019)

6. Basic English Grammar Refresher: “How the English personal pronouns inflect for case” (January 30, 2019)

7. Basic English Grammar Question Refresher: “Why the nominative and subjective are lumped as just a single case” (January 29, 2019)

8. Language Humor at its Finest Retrospective: “Wacky Phonetics: 22 English translations into Chinese in 5 minutes or less” (January 29, 2019)

9. Use and Misuse Retrospective: “Avoidance of confusing fused or run-on sentences” (January 29, 2019)[/url]

10. You Asked Me This Question: “What is the correct preposition for this sentence?” (January 28, 2019)

11. Advice and Dissent Retrospective: “Why do we find it pleasing to read stories we know to be untrue” (January 28, 2019)

12. You Asked Me This Question: “Three very interesting questions by new Forum member, answered at long last!” (January 27, 2019)

13. Priming Up Retrospective For Valentine’s Day: “A brand-new word for ‘French kiss’ enters the French lexicon” (January 27, 2019)

14. Grammatically Bungled News Report Retrospective: “When a modifier squints, the dead could die again and again” (January 26, 2019)

15. Getting To Know English Better: “Reducing adjective clauses for conciseness” (January 26, 2019)

16. Question Foremost in Laypeople’s Minds: “Why legal documents are not in plain and simple English” (January 26, 2019)

1. Meditation on Our Digitized World: “The Tree of Life”
(Originally posted June 19, 2009)

2. Two magnificent performances of “The Prayer,” spaced 10 years apart
(Originally posted January 22, 2017)

3. “The Lovely Clichés Worth Keeping”
(Originally posted circa 2002 Reposted December 16, 2016)
4. Conversations (4): “The real score about Valentine’s Day”
(Originally posted February 10, 2010 Reposted February 1, 2014)

5. “Did Rizal ever speak and write in English?”
(Originally posted January 28, 2010, latest update December 30, 2016)

6. “Conversations (2): A serious bad-grammar syndrome”
(Reposted January 18, 2017)

7. “Anatomy of media stories that Filipina women have the world’s smallest breasts”
(Posted July 11, 2016)

8. “Lost in Translation” - 1 and 2
(Posted December 30, 2016)

9. “Indignities in American minor”
(Posted October 27, 2016)

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« Last Edit: February 08, 2019, 09:56:21 AM by Joe Carillo »
