« on: November 25, 2024, 02:34:43 PM »
PLAYLIST UPDATE FOR NOVEMBER 16 - 22, 2024 OF JOSE CARILLO ENGLISH FORUM’S FACEBOOK GATEWAYSimply click the web links to the 15 featured English grammar refreshers and general interest stories this week along with selected postings published in the Forum in previous years:1. Getting To Know English: “The usefulness of resumptive modifiers”
2. Use and Misuse Retrospective: “Rich vocabulary, poor spelling”
3. Badly Written, Badly Spoken: “When using a parenthetical is necessary in a sentence”
4. You Asked Me This Question: “The touchy matter of capitalizing names and position titles”
5. My Media English Watch: “Two instructive cases of English misuse and suspected misuse”
6. Getting To Know English: “The genesis of corporatese”
7. Essay by Jose A. Carillo: “When even the passive voice isn't enough”

8. Education and Teaching: “The Philippines ranks 22nd out of 116 countries in 2024 English Proficiency Index”
9. Language Humor At Its Finest: “A cavalcade of palindromes”
10. Your Thoughts Exactly Retrospective: “Medjugorie, here they come!” reminiscence by Fred Natividad, Forum Contributor
11. Time Out From English Grammar: “Pebble in My Shoe, Stone in My Heart,” personal retrospective by Antonio Calipjo Go, Forum Contributor
12. Readings in Language: “Poet-novelist Michael Rosen's book ALPHABETICAL romances the English alphabet, both literally and figuratively
13. Forum Lounge Retrospective: “Silicon Valley AI developers are hiring literary writers and general humanities experts
14. The Forum Lounge Sharing: “Verbatim: What is a photocopier?” a penetrating New York Times OpDocs video episode
15. Views and Commentaries: “The character gap between the educated and uneducated,” an essay contributed by Maximo Tumbali,Forum member
With my best wishes,
Joe Carillo
« Last Edit: November 25, 2024, 03:41:26 PM by Joe Carillo »
