Author Topic: Playlist Update for November 11 - 17, 2023 of the Forum’s Facebook Gateway  (Read 6765 times)

Joe Carillo

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Simply click the web links to the 14 featured English grammar refreshers and general interest stories this week along with selected postings published in the Forum in previous years:

1. Getting To Know The World’s Genocidal History: “The world in 710 words”

The world was simply too heavy, too massive, and too fast-moving for Archimedes
          to lift with a lever—and on what did he think he would be standing on?

2. Use and Misuse: "Avoid using ‘and/or’ because it's a ‘grammatical abomination’” Contributed by Gerry T. Galacio

RELATED READING: “Should academics use ‘and/or’ in their writing?" by Trinka

3. Badly Written, Badly Spoken: “The need to be grammatically correct in our English”

4. Getting To Know English Retrospective: “The perplexing workings of the double possessive”

5. Notable Works by Our Very Own: "Literature as History" by F. Sionil Jose, Philippine National Artist for Literature

6. Time Out From English Grammar: “How the human brain establishes and reinforces beliefs as truths”

7. A Forum Lounge Retrospective: “Open Dialogue: Religions and the basis for faith”    

8. Essays by Joe Carillo: “English in a used jar“

9. Language Humor At Its Finest: “News headlines that went awry”

10. Getting to Know English: “We shouldn’t mistake mass nouns for collective nouns“

11. Use and Misuse: "Fused sentences are very serious, very annoying grammar violations”

12. Advice and Dissent: "The prophet of Gaia feels the climate change issue is ‘as severe as war’”    

13. Readings in Language Retrospective: "Thinking in numbers as effective, pleasant antidote for numerophobia"

14. You Asked Me This Question Retrospective: "What's the correct usage for the verbs ‘brought’ and ‘taken’?"


« Last Edit: November 18, 2023, 05:19:07 PM by Joe Carillo »