Author Topic: Regarding "regarding with your concern"  (Read 18308 times)

Lyndon Tidlos Gabato

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Regarding "regarding with your concern"
« on: May 18, 2022, 06:51:06 PM »

Could you please help me explain why is it incorrect to say "regarding with"?

I kept on hearing some people say, "regarding with your concern".

« Last Edit: May 24, 2022, 03:51:07 PM by Joe Carillo »

Joe Carillo

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Re: Regarding with
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2022, 08:09:54 PM »
The preposition "regarding" means "concerning" or "about," so it's terribly incorrect and superfluous for people to say "regarding with your concern." Encourage or suggest to them ever so gently to drop "regarding" and just say "about your concern" and their English grammar will be perfect and beyond reproach.

(It's great to hear from you again, Lyndon--over three years since your last post! You may want to share with your fellow Forum members an update about yourself and what you've been up to all this time.)
« Last Edit: May 18, 2022, 09:13:41 PM by Joe Carillo »

Lyndon Tidlos Gabato

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Re: Regarding with
« Reply #2 on: May 23, 2022, 03:30:54 PM »
Hi Joe,

Thank you so much.

About myself, well ...

I have been working in the BPO industry for nearly 13 years now. I am still with my currently company and I have been working with them for nearly 10 years. The other three years was with a different company. My 10th year will be on August 30 of this year.

Three years ago, aside from working as an Operations Manager, I was also working with the training department and was handling training too. I had several grammar questions and did not know exactly how to explain grammatical errors. That was the reason why I was active in the forum. However, I was asked to focus on the operations and stopped handling training.

Recently, I was asked to handle training again.
Our President just recently started a new department which is Learning and Development.
I am one of the four people who are currently working on launching this new department.

Joe Carillo

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Re: Regarding "regarding with your concern"
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2022, 03:49:52 PM »
Lyndon, I'm delighted to know that you've notched a successful career in the BPO industry these past 13 years or so, and that you're back in training again to spearhead a new Learning and Development department in your company with three other trainors to get it to a good start.

When you wrote in your most recent Forum post that you kept on hearing some people say "regarding with your concern," I must admit that I didn't really know how serious the incidence of the bad English usage you identified really was. In the page that I Googled to show the misuse of the incorrect and superfluous "regarding with your concern" expression, I actually exactly spotted the same misuse of the expression several lines down in the same webpage, but I didn't have the heart to show the whole spread in the image I used in the Forum so as not unduly embarrass the one who committed the gaffe.

A did a further quick Google check elsewhere on the web and--alas!--spotted exactly the same misuse of that expression in the following BPO conversation streams (italicizations mine):

(1) Courier express site: "Yes po, @Jobelle____. Please check your inbox. We have sent a response regarding with your concern sa inyong shipment, thru DM. Thank you.-Anne

(2) Mobile phone service site: "Our apologies, @det___. We've already replied on your DM regarding with your concern. Please have it checked. Thank you."

(3) Home DSL service site: "Hi Sir Ernesto Jr______, regarding with your concern, Plan 999 pertains to up to 3mbps plan which is on top of the monthly phone bill example: 999 for DSL + ..."

(4) Best Buy customer site: "Hello, Thanks for the inquiry. For us to have a better view of your situation, please send us an email regarding with your concern at"

(5) SIM card load site: "Regarding with your concern, Yes, you can use this for HTC Inspire. For furthermore clarification, please do not hesitate to email us back.…"

(6) An e-book distribution site: "Let me take over and provide you with some updates regarding with your concern. The issue when connecting your Paypal account is a known ..."

(7) A beach resort review site: "Regarding with your concern about the bed the issue is already address to concern department. were looking forward to welcoming you again on your next visit ..."

There's more "regarding with your concern" gaffes in sight but I've got to stop right now lest I be accused of being mean.

Ah well, Lyndon, as you observed at the start about the high incidence of the expression "regarding with your concern," I would think that you guys in BPO learning and development not only in your company and elsewhere in the industry both here and abroad have got a lot of English streamlining work with call-center agents to do...

Good luck and I wish you all the best!
« Last Edit: May 25, 2022, 08:12:35 AM by Joe Carillo »