Author Topic: A lesson plan for generating and curating content for flexible learning  (Read 15755 times)

Joe Carillo

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For Forum members who may be involved or interested in developing “the new normal” in Education, Forum member Antonio Calipjo Go is sharing his “digital learning plan (lesson plan) that demonstrates how content can be made an inch long but a mile deep.” It is his terminal output from the certificate course he took recently at the National Teachers College on “Generating and Curating Content for Flexible Learning.”

                           IMAGE CREDIT: “TREE OF RAVENS” BY CASPAR DAVID FRIEDRICH (1882)

Read Antonio Calipjo Go’s digital learning lesson plan in “Generating and Curating Content for Flexible Learning” in the Forum now!

Mr. Antonio Calipjo Go, retired academic supervisor of the Marian School of Quezon City, is an advocate of good English usage who has been waging a crusade against badly written English-language textbooks in the Philippines for many years now. Several of his no-nonsense critiques have appeared in the Forum’s “Advocacies” section.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2020, 06:40:12 PM by Joe Carillo »