Author Topic: LOCKDOWN: BEFORE AND AFTER  (Read 16762 times)


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« on: April 16, 2020, 11:39:57 AM »
Photos I posted on my FB page arose from the ongoing pandemic lockdown boredom that showed beautiful white coffee blooms being pollinated by busy bees flitting from bloom to bloom, followed a few days later by flowers wilting to give way to the baby coffee cherries. Then the bees were gone.


It dawned on me that this could very well represent our former and present status, on all levels, in myriad ways—government, health, businesses, personal lives—throughout the planet. Our formerly “busy” existence has slowed down, has been terrifying, is ending or has ended for thousands upon thousands.

While the virus continues to rage, people and their families have adapted, perhaps become closer, prayed more for those infected and deceased frontliners, are hoping even more for a vaccine that is long in coming. The new normal is seeing masks everywhere, social distancing, PPEs in hospitals and triage centers, closed businesses, even long hair. But, life goes on even if on a less intense scale.

The wilted flowers reminded me of the song, “Where Have All The Flowers Gone” sang and recorded by Marlene Dietrich, Joan Baez,  Peter, Paul and Mary among many, many others from different countries. This was an anti-war song and dwelt on soldiers dying, flowers laid on their graves, leaving behind their girl friends or wives. The plaint was on the futility of war, the song ending with “When will they ever learn?”.

Browned flowers fall off and baby coffee cherries sprout forth, depicting the promise of better things to come—a lot like life and our existence. Challenges always come. We are either bowed or die as a result, or grow and be strengthened, looking forward to a better tomorrow—if we ever learn from this event.

Life and coffee. Make it the best.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2020, 07:49:33 AM by Joe Carillo »