Author Topic: a couple of times OR a couple times  (Read 13386 times)

Lyndon Tidlos Gabato

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a couple of times OR a couple times
« on: May 24, 2019, 01:09:38 AM »

Which these two is grammatically correct - "a couple of times" or "a couple times"?

I was researching topics for my training and I read a sample sentence. The sentence is, "I like to go on a walk a couple times a week."

I am confused because that is an article about grammar and I thought it should be "a couple of times."

Please help me clarify this.

Thank you.

Joe Carillo

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Re: a couple of times OR a couple times
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2019, 08:45:21 AM »
The form "I like to go on a walk a couple of times a week" is the formal, grammatically correct form. The form that drops the prepositional "of" in "a couple of times, "I like to go on a walk a couple times a week" is the colloquial form used by native English speakers conversationally.