Author Topic: A timely letter about out-of-school youths in the Philippines  (Read 6032 times)

Joe Carillo

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I received the very timely letter below about Philippine education from Mr. JM Nepomuceno in the National Capital Region in the Philippines and I am posting it here for fellow Forum members to chew on:

June 26, 2010

Dear Joe,

From the first time I encountered your English Forum through the copy forwarded by the Technical Support Group of SPHP GLOBAL NETWORK, I tried to keep track of updates through the copies that land in the In Box of the designated e-mail account.

I have been bothered by the following statistics with grave implications on the prospective proficiency level in reading and writing in English of Filipino citizens:

It was estimated last year that there were 5.6 MILLION out-of-school children.

According to the Department of Education (DeptEd), out of every 100 students:

*  only 66 finish elementary education
*  only 42 finish high school
*  only 25 go to college

Your English Forum provides the remedial measures for those who have access to the World Wide Web, and who want to improve their proficiency levels in reading and writing in English.

What remains most bothersome is the projected yearly increase in out-of-school children from the 5.6 MILLION estimated in 2009.

May the grave implications on the prospective proficiency level in reading and writing in English of Filipino citizens serve as an inspiration for you to continue your English Forum, even beyond your physical life-time for the benefit of the forthcoming batches of the "Unborn Filipinos".

Kudos and more power to you!