Author Topic: Finger-pointing  (Read 3296 times)

hill roberts

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« on: June 22, 2010, 04:08:48 PM »
Finger-pointing: another humankind's scourge. Is this a rotten gesture? This "blame them", "don't blame us" attitude and vice versa? Even in families, there's too much of this moral sermon/self-righteous analytical high ground, rebuking each other when things go wrong. It is indeed very trying to be implicated in this assumption at the moment when it matters, almost mind-blowing even to get away from this natural awe and wonder.  ??? On the other hand, to spend a tenth or more of this tendency could also open up a can of worms when these matters of fairness and the practical impact become, in themselves, routine. Working through all of that becomes much harder to eliminate, where definition of "fair" and  whether holding a certain group together to gang up on you, would be the big instant test. In particular, real problems will start to unravel if we can't hold out to argue, in a most blatant way, who is right, who is wrong and who is indifferent. This finger-pointing squeezes us into a wall more than judgement day itself, as far as getting to the final tape is concerned.  One way or another, blaming each other and not sharing the blame, let alone, pin the blame on them and not on you, would be a vindication of seeing the bigger picture, albeit with closed eyes and confusion. To own up to guilt would be tantmount to giving access to an unwelcoming jail minus the wardens ordering you to strip and checking for wires inside  your gums. In which case, would it better to assimilate blame and just consider defense mechanism  a good weapon to beat the hell out of those who keep pinning the blame on you? Hmm, I dread the outcome myself. ;D  ;)
« Last Edit: June 22, 2010, 04:11:25 PM by hill roberts »