After reading your posting, I guess I’ll now have to put it on record that running and moderating this Forum is essentially a one-man job and a labor of love—mine. I try my best to answer every question or concern posted in its discussion boards but some posts demand such an extraordinary effort and time to address adequately, or are clearly of very little general interest other than that of the poster’s. That’s when I have to take the posts behind the back-burner—“suppress” is not only a wrong but a very unkind word—until I can find enough time to deal with them. Other times a question or concern gets posted that lies far outside the purview of nonspecialist English grammar and usage, or that evidently has been posted on the sly so I could do the huge research effort for a poster’s term paper or academic assignment; this time I could vacillate forever about doing the effort, and only when the subject is of such strong general interest am I obliged and motivated to compose and publish an answer.
As to your idea of opening an additional category in the Forum, specifically a “Filipino to English Translation” category, I’m afraid that it isn’t doable at all at this time. This is a Forum solely on English grammar and usage. It can do Filipino-to-English translations and vice versa only if this Forum is able to attract a volunteer or two who can offer the translation services gratis et amore. Even if I wanted to do it, I definitely won’t be able to find the time and the extra energy to undertake that venture myself.