VOTING WISELYMany are saying it is better to support someone who is unblemished with even the lightest stain of corruption that will cast a doubt on his capacity to rule. They say that from a leader who possesses this quality, economic progress and all the good that comes with it, good governance, shall follow.
I as well absolutely believe this.
The only matter that concerns me the most is them seemingly fooling their own selves just to make them believe that they have already found that person in a certain candidate simply because of reasons founded on narrow perspectives. Many people today really do not know enough about their candidates.
Perhaps, even if they do know much enough, they turn their eyes blind to the facts that contradict what they have loved to believe or what they wish to believe. In some aspects, their ego compels them to accept the lie and even letting their conscience to yield lest they lose their face with the people who are aware of their status in their own turf or perhaps what you may call their own comfort zones.
They prefer to comfort themselves with lies and ignore the guilt than embrace humility and allow the truth to set them free. Worse, many have allowed themselves to be swallowed by the same system that is ruled by money, which is both the patriarch and offspring of all greed.
Let’s not forget that the presidency is 6 years long. It’s either 6 years or good life or 6 years of hardship and oppression. It is essential that we do not simply place our bet on candidates who speak sweet words, promising heaven and earth, but with no solid proof of his capacity to support these.
Worse, he employs or allows his gangs to employ dirty tactics to dampen his rival’s candidacy. He even borrows fame or character from other people just to embellish his inferior capacity to take upon the demanding role of leading this country that is burdened with complex problems and impoverished with opportunities for good life.
Fellows, we can still realize this good life for most Filipinos if not all, but it must all start from casting our vote through our wisest decision. Let’s not simply believe every word these candidates say. Words are cheap anyway.
The safest strategy is to look at what they achieved for the country in the past. The achievements first, then analyze discreetly and with your indifferent conscience the allegations hurled against a candidate if these indeed bear weights against his capacity to take upon the highest post in this country.
Be very smart since it is expected that rivals will try to shroud the remarkable achievements of any candidate with allegations of corruptions and even inventing acts of abuse or crime that can shroud all the good he has done and the good in him.
1) Has shown remarkable achievements while rising up the ladder of success in his chosen field.
2) Has shown remarkable achievements in the field of expertise he has been into prior to his current environment.
3) Has a good education.
4) Has a laudable family background.
5) Has no lust for excessive wealth or extravagant life.
*** People who are already very rich like the multi-billionaires don’t necessarily need to steal anymore. Also, those who came from poverty and eventually got rich out of hard work will normally “desire” to give back to the poor a part of their success as their own way of thanking God and this life for the success they have been blessed bountifully with.
For those who have been rich from the start it doesn’t really matter at all. They are usually obsessed with status or rankings and will simply keep the wealth to themselves and normally amass more wealth to keep on beating other’s prestige or level in that line of competition.
Example and living proof of very rich people who came from poverty and have shared their wealth to the people as a token of appreciation to the Gods and this world that gave them so much blessings are John Gokongwei.
6) People who can serve the people well are those who understand them by heart, especially those who have been in the same place while they were starting out.
1) Empty words like “lalabanan ko ang kurapsiyon” or “lalabanan ko ang kahirapan” that are not backed by remarkable achievements in the past.
2) Candidates who rides on other people’s fame, honor or achievements.
3) Candidates who have a conflict of interest with the public. (logging companies, landlords, big businesses like in telecommunications, water and power companies, big financial institutions, )
4) Employs dirty tactics during the campaign.
5) Surrounded by influence peddlers, usually from his family circle or associates, who have shown the said motive and action in the past. As I quote a World Bank's perception on our politicla system;
"the weakness of the Philippine state “stems from the effective control by interest groups of the state machinery, such that rule-making and enforcement serves not the general welfare but particular interests.” In all these, …
don’t simply read, listen or watch.
Do your own analysis and then make your wisest decision.The essential characters are
Wisdom or capacity must bear the highest point because it shall make up the performance level of a leader. It should also be supported by one’s desire to really serve. We can put that against the pattern of similar people who have done the same.
Integrity is the hardest to measure since anybody can say anything heavenly just to convince or fool you to believe what they are trying to put across. Moreover, when considering the factor on integrity for the top leadership, if it's all that but without the solid proof of his capacity to rule effectively, then it is worthless. If he is that clean, then why not run a religious sect and advocate clean living instead?
King Solomon and Joseph weren’t just servant leaders for God Almighty but were endowed with wisdom as well.
A leader must have the wisdom to realize the appropriate solutions to the country's complex problems. He must know how to sense or feel the public's concerns that must be addressed to uplift the living conditions or the latter. He "must be able" to really do something about it and really act upon it. Integrity with no solid proof or the capacity to lead is never enough. It is highly suggested that advocates with his greatest character in a suitable line of work.
The greatest question is, “is he really clean?”. Retrace the articles distributed across the Internet and make your own assessment. So, you don’t get fooled by their sweet words and dirty ploys.
Again, do your own analysis and then make your wisest decision.
God bless us all.
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