First of all, I'd like to thank Joe for reposting my comment. I appreciate it and I hope comments from co-English Forum members would be forthcoming. No holds-barred please, for the benefit of a good discussion.
In recent days, my Facebook friends and I have continued discussing the goings on in Philippine politics, up to the run-up to the May national elections. These last three months, I have been sending "threads" to some of my fb friends to discuss what they think about a particular article. The last article I sent was about the Hacienda Luisita massacre, which happened many years ago and which GMA network--surprise, surprise--republished. I must also add what a great investigative reporting it was. The "thread" was very long and I doubt if my fb friends bothered to finish reading it. Frankly, it made uncomfortable reading since the protagonists were all relatives of the Cojuangcos and the Aquinos. Not making light of this "thread", the first one to discuss it quickly branded it a "Black propaganda". Hmm, of course this man is a die-hard fan of the Aquinos so what did I expect, a cold Sanmig from him? He rattled off why it was black propaganda, emphasising that he was an insider and knew everything what really happened there. "I was there!" he insisted, time and time again. Fine. The following day, when I opened the "thread", he enumerated a list of political luminaries with their academic titles! What has that got to do with the "thread"? I asked myself. Sure, the list and their titles were impressive, but still, he wasn't answering the crucial points of the "thread"--by way of stating that he was an insider, he had to brag about these people. I shot back and said,