Author Topic: Choosing the best leader from among the wolves  (Read 3866 times)


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Choosing the best leader from among the wolves
« on: April 11, 2010, 08:46:39 AM »
From: bobby manasan <>
Sent: Sat, February 13, 2010 10:19:21 PM
Subject: On the May Presidential Elections

it is an accepted fact that the present-day domesticated dog is a descendant of the wild wolf.  through centuries of breeding and training the dog has learned to become civilized and forget its wild instincts of survival.  it waits to be fed instead of hunting and killing to satisfy its hunger.  it has learned to become part of a larger society of animals.
in many human societies, individuals have learned, through centuries of breeding and training, to become civilized and forget its wild instincts of survival.  individuals have curbed their wild instincts of hunting and killing to satisfy their needs.  they have learned to place the survival of the society on a higher priority than the survival of the self and the family.
in some human societies, however, many individuals have not been bred and trained by their powerful elders to curb their wild instincts of hunting and killing to satisfy their needs.  they still place the survival of the self and the family above the needs of the larger human society.  like wolves in the wild their motto is:  damn the rest as long as i can grab the best!
the filipino society is now faced with the awesome task of choosing a leader to ensure its continuing survival.  what kind of individuals are they choosing from?  have they been trained by their powerful elders to place the survival of the larger society on a higher priority than the survival of their selves and families?  assuming that they do choose such a leader, would the gang of petty leaders surrounding him or her be likewise civilized?  will they work for the  survival of the society or just themselves and their families and friends?  will they work for the common good?  have there been solid examples of their actions in the past that they have worked for the common welfare?  what are they?  can you look around and show solid proofs of those actions?  are things better today than they were in the 1950's, the glory years of filipino society before things went on a downward spiral with a government run like hell by filipinos, as foretold by quezon and rizal?
are you choosing a wild wolf to lead a pack of wild wolves?  are you choosing a domesticated dog to lead a pack of wild wolves?  or are you choosing a domesticated dog to lead a pack of domesticated dogs?  which do you believe is the choice you are making come may?  what difference will it make in the future survival of the ship of state?  will things change after the may elections?  why would you think so?
Nice piece of work!

For me i would choose the K9 who has reached what it needs to become less abusive, greedy and furious.

I would elect the one who has become eager to serve the common good instead of his own.

Sen. Manny Villar's success in business with a P50 billion net worth and having led both houses of Congress, he indeed has already achieved that status. He and his family will survive no matter if he wins the election or not.

Sen. Villar is not beholden to anyone since he used his own earnings to propel his candidacy and he doesnt need to wory about the influence peddling by his own family members unlike the others who are "burdened" by this very strong compelling force.

For the rest, they are still at the stage wherein they desire the powers of the presidency, not to really serve the people, but to simply fix their own interests and put up protection mechanisms, by inserting amendments into our laws and using the powers and influence a President weilds.

In today's list of candidates, it is Sen. Manny Villar who holds the status with the least desire to use those powers in order to survive or to "plunder" just like his predecessors.

Morever, his feats in business and in Congress are proof of his capacity to really lead and bring forth achievements.

That's the leadership skills that all leaders must possess.

To sum it up, Sen. Manny Villar is the safest and best bet for now.