Hello, Renz,
So good to hear from you again. I guess I needed to call the attention of some of the regulars here for not using this great section, The Lounge.

Well, in Britain, they do live above their means. The British people now are one of the top two debt-ridden people on earth. Yet, the way it goes, they aren't bothered. Why? The State is always there to provide them with a safety net. Still, this British woman of course was trying to make a point, but failed.

When dining in Britain, especially in London where prices are sky-high, one expects management to behave in that manner.

In her case, I reckon she knew she shouldn't ask for tap water since it isn't the norm anyway.

Renz, by the way, until the 80's London's tap water wasn't potable.They had signs in all hotel bathrooms not to drink the water. Of course,it's not the case anymore. Still, Europeans are crazy spending all that money for bottled water to stock at home. My husband simply boils our drinking water--huge savings over the years. The only time we drink bottled water is in cafes or restaurants. :(Unlike the Scandinavians who, in general, aren't showy, the British spend and show off at every opportunity in their own country and abroad. Many a time, it's their bad behaviour that seems to catch the attention of the foreign media---all for the wrong reasons.