Author Topic: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes  (Read 200070 times)

hill roberts

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Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« on: March 27, 2010, 06:09:57 PM »
On Corruption: "Expense scandal is a byword for a laboured trial and error blunder."
On hardship: "Politics dominating generational conflict would be a bygone era if mankind stopped devouring it...more so, with false teeth."
On The Last Supper: " A big cause of family spats, arguments, revelation, anger, hatred at the dining table. I dread sitting at the dining table confronted with the truth...and I thought I was invited to a sumptuous meal."
On Climate Change: " I'll buy the biggest parasol."
On IQ: " I used to be a pretentious intellectual myself...until I was told I had an IQ of nought."
On Martial Law: "Declare Martial Law and I'll force everyone to wear a deodorant."
On Political Commentators: " They love themselves more than they love talking about the nature of politics."
On a State of Mind: "A state of mind depends on the quality of your Bank Account."
On Choice: You have no right to be choosy, not even in national elections."

 ;D 8) ??? ::)Cheers!


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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #1 on: March 29, 2010, 10:57:18 PM »
Hello Hill ! I'm glad you are back to having high spirits. I love your jokes. Just to let you know that I was so worried when I read about your "sad family memories". Hope to read more posts from you here.Catch you later... ;)

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #2 on: March 30, 2010, 02:38:04 AM »
Hello, Madgirl, Thank you for your warm message and welcome. No, I haven't been away, but yes, I am back, and my spirits are high  again, thank goodness. Glad you liked the silly quotes, hahaha. Yes, I'm trying to collate all those other  "quotes" so I can post them here in the "Lounge". This is a great place to just type out your thoughts, Madgirl. I hope to see your thoughts here, too, someday, when you're not too busy. Are you still in Japan? I'm sure you now speak fluent Nipongo.See  you later, take care and warm wishes to Joe and co-members here. :-* ;)

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #3 on: April 05, 2010, 03:52:44 PM »
On Facebook: It overrides belief that you're judged first before you're seen and when intelligence comes second to popularity. ::) :-X

On USA: A land of dreams, dullards and dollars. :o ;D

On Commitment: It's like an obscure prison house. Once you're in it, your movement is limited to a few walks a day, albeit with a dog or not.  :-\ :-X

On Idle Gossip: A cluster of lips, bounded by disguised camaraderie,yet unassuming in its recklessness. ;)

On Being Childless: A reality borne out of fear of natural birth, notwithstanding excruciating pain for others. :D

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2010, 04:10:13 PM »
On Clocks: I wish I could turn the clock back--I could have kept all my teeth intact. ;D

On ageism: Separating those  who had cosmetic surgery and botox, and those who couldn't afford both. :o :o

On Rules: Advicing people to pay attention only to rule themselves out for the entire period. ???

On Debates: A fine detail ony when you win it, where an uncontrollable environment embraces aggression, not assertiveness. ::)

On the Internet: Engaging and getting to the primary cause of not having saliva wasted, just fingers re-inforcing  one's ideas and thoughts. :-\

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #5 on: April 06, 2010, 05:14:06 PM »
On Payback: It doesn't come back quickly enough. :D ;D

On Political Campaigns: An erstwhile effort  to get things on the hoof, warm seats and a stiff drink, forgetting the ultimate round of winning in the process. ??? ;D

On Being Superb: When we have to pose, pause, be praised and prick ourselves into believing that our own fineries become rudimentary in the face of awesome retribution and failure. >:( ;D :D

On The Holy Week: A week of blood-letting, cumbersome costumes and false piousness in the guise of boredom, reckless intuition and onion-assisted crododile tears. ::) ;D ;)

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2010, 04:01:06 PM »
On Thinking: Increasing it ten-fold, you can still instigate a think-tank of empty-headed gender-bender accuracy either by necessity or choice. ::)

On Truth: If it remains forever, the vastness of lies could well be described as bloody horrible. :D

On Being Profound: If it's utterly empty, its' because the vessel taken was rusty. 8)

On Security: Those gates are too high to climb and social climbers will fall flat, adding elegance to their sense of fear. ;D ;)

On Sentimental Value: When all else fails, get rid of it, otherwise, you devalue your own sentiments. ;D

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #7 on: April 08, 2010, 04:39:48 PM »
On the Academe: Somehow, this is a place where too much reading of famous people's works becomes a sore point and when counting grades, accidental bias, favouritism and significant rubbing of elbows come to the fray.  ;D :D

On Being Tidy: Such a simple task, just leave it for another day, when visitors come,  sweep the dirt under the carpet. ;D :-\

On Sexual Experiment: Mahatma Gandhi, Indian Nationalist Leader and a Holy Man  didn't pray for women and children, but who preyed on them,  practiced  paedophilia, incest and harem--was a famous practicioner of this ??? ::).With this in mind, what are we to do when his like didn't even see jail term? >:(

On Soundbites: Politicians are known to wise-crack all the time, when the bite happens, the sound reverberates like a sling shot to their insensitive ways. ;D :P  ;D

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #8 on: April 09, 2010, 04:22:32 PM »
On Rude TV/Radio Presenters: Hell, politicians aren't my cup of tea anymore than having rude presenters overplay their mission to deafen the interviewee and the listeners. >:( ???

On Footballers: Highly-paid, basically semi-illiterate whose wealth will never exceed the number of cells in their tiny brain--unless they give some of that money to us, respectability will always be a sporting mission. ;D ::)

On Celebrities: If they are celebrating in a normal way, then it's up to us to tone down their exhuberance. It is an effective treatment for their unnecessary pursuit of bad behaviour--off and on. :-X :-\

On Mobile Phones:  A gadget attached permanently to the ears of a stubborn person whose idea of danger and non-chalance conflicts with nature as we know it. :'( :(

On Getting To Know Each Other: Not in our lifetime. ;D ;)

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #9 on: April 10, 2010, 07:10:05 PM »
On Liars: They are aware they are lying to their teeth, and if that's anything to go by, go check, not the teeth. ;D 8)

On Products/Brands: If Tiger Woods begin selling soup, half of mankind would either eat it or spit it out. The Nike ball will do the talking just the same. :o :P

On Arguments: Too noisy to share, too violent to show, too frank to accept but endearing in its concept. ;) :D ;D

On the Rosetta Stone of Humanity: I'm quite certain I came from the skies above, but hey, I wouldn't mind being a part of the DNA process least I know which standpoint to believe. ??? ::) :-*

On Being Corny: Don't you just hate it when men kneel down to propose, only to see them part ways after a day in court? If the courting is corny, wait until you see the judge in court. ::) ;D :'(

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #10 on: April 10, 2010, 07:12:17 PM »

"...If Tiger Woods begins..."

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2010, 12:38:15 AM »
Second Oops!

It should have read:

On Courting: Don't you just hate it when men kneel down to propose, only to see them part ways after a day in court? If the courting is corny, wait until you see the judge (in court). :D ;D 8)

Note: It seems I'm the only one using  The Lounge. I know that members are busy in their chosen profession, but it would really be nice to see you, co-members, having a go at this wonderful, relaxing site.  :) :-*

hill roberts

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Re: Dining Out
« Reply #12 on: April 16, 2010, 04:07:03 PM »
Good morning Joe and everyone!

I was just reading about a British woman who dined in a posh restaurant. She asked for a glass of water and the waiter refused. She called the manager and asked why they didn't serve tap water. The manager replied haughtily that their resto did  not serve tap water, only bottled water. What?  ::)Anyway, she carried on dining with her friend and the bill was a hefty sum of £178.00 :o ??? Rules can be silly. What should you have done if it happened to you? Would you walk out? Argue with the management? Make a scene in front of other diners? Or enjoy the meal in quiet bliss despite being refused tap water? But why did she ask for tap water when she knew that the rule in many restaurants, posh or not, is to serve only bottled water? ??? Of course we all know that bottled water costs a fortune and when we add up the bill, it's usually the drinks and bottled water that take up the overall cost of the meal. Anyway, since dining is such a social thing world wide, just make sure that when you go to a particular/posh restaurant, prepare for the inevitable and never lose your poise. Just lump it in and carry on with pleasant conversation with family or friends. This way, no one feels embarrassed. After all, it's  our decision to have a meal out. ;D ;) :-*
« Last Edit: April 16, 2010, 04:08:37 PM by hill roberts »


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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #13 on: April 17, 2010, 07:19:32 PM »

Hi Hill,

Perhaps that British woman should learn from the French who have a saying "live within your means". This simply means people should live a sustainable lifestyle considering one's finances.

Since she intended to dine in a "posh" restaurant then she should expect a huge bill to go with the experience. Moreover, she shouldn't expect to order inexpensive beverage as well. If she wants to go on the cheap then she should have dined in the nearest McDonald's.

Moreover, I believe the "posh" restaurant is just trying to be on the safe side. Of course, tap in the UK might be more suitable for drinking than in the Philippines; however, perhaps the restaurant finds it safer to serve bottled water.

hill roberts

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Re: Hill Roberts: My own quotable (?) quotes
« Reply #14 on: April 18, 2010, 10:16:14 PM »
Hello, Renz,
So good to hear from  you again. I guess I needed to call the attention of some of the regulars here for not using this great section, The Lounge.  ;D Well, in Britain, they do live above their means. The British people now are one of the top two debt-ridden people on earth. Yet, the way it goes, they aren't bothered. Why? The State is always there to provide them with a safety net. Still, this British woman of course was trying to make a point, but failed. ??? When dining in Britain, especially in London where prices are sky-high, one expects management to behave in that manner. ::) In her case, I reckon she knew she shouldn't ask for tap water since it isn't the norm anyway. :-\ Renz, by the way, until the 80's London's tap water wasn't potable.They had signs in all hotel bathrooms not to drink the water. Of course,it's not the case anymore. Still, Europeans are crazy spending all that money for bottled water to stock at home. My husband simply boils our drinking water--huge savings over the years. The only time we drink bottled water is in cafes or restaurants.  :(Unlike the Scandinavians who, in general, aren't showy, the British spend and show off at every opportunity in their own country and abroad. Many a time, it's their bad behaviour that seems to catch the attention of the foreign media---all for the wrong reasons. :D ;)