Author Topic: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago  (Read 41868 times)


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #15 on: January 22, 2010, 09:46:39 PM »
When it comes to the country’s situation, the arguments become never ending. I wasn’t so surprised when I was reading James Fallows’s article because I believe he really immersed himself and made a thorough study to observe the Philippines.I was a college student when I went to Smokey Mountain the first time for a community work wherein I and my classmates had to accomplish a report.The smell was really awful even inside the school’s car,and when we’re within the community, we pretended we didn’t smell anything (we had to)..I haven’t been there ever since and now that I’m a teacher and has my own family, I know it’s still a mountain full of garbage, and lives of people hasn’t changed at all. Maybe they don’t really want to. And the government’s budget’ for the poor is being enjoyed by some politicians.As to who they are and how they did, only God can tell. Of course, as people, we should also accept change ourselves not only rely on government’s help.

Corruption in the government should be eradicated, but how? This is so easy to say but we do not even know if a politician is sincere in saying he’s not corrupt.As ordinary citizens, let’s do our share of helping ourselves first and then our fellow Filipinos. Being honest starts from us, don’t bribe any government officer so as not to influence others.Let’s help our poor countrymen if we can, don’t wait for some politicians to do so. Whoever may be our leader, let’s not expect him to change the Philippines the way we want.

Yes, I think there hasn’t been a big change in the country after so many years except for those who are rich getting richer and poor still getting poorer. However, through education, we can improve our own economic well being. Sometimes we have to consider what foreigners say about us, but not to the point that they degrade our well being as Filipinos. I love my country, even if it may seem “ugly” to foreigners because they really don’t know how beautiful it is. ;)

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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #16 on: January 22, 2010, 10:30:58 PM »
It'd be great if we could just fire every single politician and start anew.

About the article itself, there was a mention that Filipinos in themselves are not really bad; in fact, when placed in another country (as so many here have done), they perform excellently. It really must be something to do with the living environment and the society itself.

Here's my guess: when Filipinos are in their home country, most tend to feel like they are unable to achieve much. Like they make no difference no matter what they do. Consequently, very few to none even try. Even in politics, where it seems that anyone placed in positions of power is viewed to be corrupt, or at the very least, incompetent.

Thus, the general populace becomes cynical. Not cynical about their own lives (we tend to be very optimistic about our lives), but about the future of the society and of the nation.


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #17 on: January 23, 2010, 01:49:41 PM »
"...However, the Australian government had systemically sent to concentration camps as a policy Aborigines and even British kids..."

My dear Renz, surely you meant "systematically"...?

Might I say that I am offended by your remarks, particularly the above one.   Sure my forebears had little to be proud of in its treatment of Aborigines, and sure there is still much to be improved.   But when you speak of "concentration camps", you cross the line.   I challenge you to identify just one "concentration camp".     I should point out (as most of the complaining do-gooders fail to) that the old policy of removing Aboriginal children from their parents was restricted to half-caste children, the rationale being that such kids suffered discrimination by both the Aboriginal and white communities.    That the policy was well-meaning is shown by the churches' approval and participation.

"...And these Australians have the galls to criticize other peoples?..."

The word is "gall".     And who are these Australians you speak of?

(By the way, I've seen how your Aetas live.....)
« Last Edit: January 23, 2010, 03:40:07 PM by maxsims »


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #18 on: January 23, 2010, 08:24:53 PM »

Well Maxims, thank you very much. You have just proven my point. For you to imply that "only half-caste Aborigines" were sent to these camps has made the situation less evil already betrays your racist views.

As for your concentration camps, although they were not named they definitely existed and here are the proof of forced child labor, sexual abuse, and incarceration:

As for Aetas and other minorities, the remoteness of their villages make accessibility to basic services difficult. While government and NGO support lend humanitarian support unfortunately they come in short quantity and irregularly. However, despite incentives to join mainstream society many of these people would rather stay in their communities and preserve their cultural heritage, which is very much their choice.

At this point, I would say you and your prejudice make you one of those Australians who directly and indirectly condoned such detestable human rights violations.


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #19 on: January 24, 2010, 07:48:20 AM »
Well Maxims, thank you very much. You have just proven my point. For you to imply that "only half-caste Aborigines" were sent to these camps has made the situation less evil already betrays your racist views.

My dear Renz,   By what feat of long-distance mind-reading do you infer that my views are racist?  I did not give an opinion, I merely pointed out a fact.   If you are alluding to my use of "half-caste", I was simply employing the term that was current, and acceptable, at the time.

As for your concentration camps, although they were not named they definitely existed...

I ask again: identify just one.    (Without proof, the other readers in the forum may begin to query the veracity of your other 'facts", too.)

As for Aetas and other minorities, the remoteness of their villages make accessibility to basic services difficult.

What a feeble excuse!    Come to Australia and you'll learn what "remote" really is!

At this point, I would say you and your prejudice make you one of those Australians who directly and indirectly condoned such detestable human rights violations.

At this point, I would say that your ignorance of Australia and Australians is equalled only by your embarrassment at your own country's shortcomings.    My country has willingly accepted, and continues to accept, migrants from all over the world, including Filipinos.  In my own State, fully one-third of the population was born overseas.   And Renz, some of them are black!

(This is a postscript several days after the above post.   Inasmuch as Renz brought the subject up, I must report that there has been another assault on an Indian student in Melbourne.   The police made eight arrests shortly after the incident.   The accused are Asian!)
« Last Edit: January 26, 2010, 01:22:03 PM by maxsims »


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #20 on: January 26, 2010, 08:50:06 PM »
Dear Maxims,

Try convincing the Indians who have shown a 46 percent drop in their enrollment this year that racial attacks against Asians is being addressed properly.

And Maxims, whatever euphemism you make there are countless of documented accounts by independent media and even testimonies by the victims themselves that eventually led to the extraction of apologies from the Australian government. What more proof do you require?

At this point, I must express my admiration for the Germans. The Germans and the Japanese have committed extensive atrocities against humanity in World War 2. The difference is while the Japanese are in denial and unrepentant, the German people have squarely faced the charges against them and have openly apologized and asked for forgiveness--no excuses.

As in the articles that I have quoted where Australians beat up a British boy to see how the beating would change the color of his blue eyes, or how they made bets so the one who gets to rape a particular boy 100 times first wins, or how food was thrown at the floor and Australians watched the boys fight for food, I still don't see how those could be considered "acceptable" during those times as you would insist Maxims.

I am "embarrassed of my country's own short comings" you say? If you have read the past few threads you would notice that it was I who said there have been many developments since the regime of Pres. Aquino. In fact, I am proud of my country because I have been to other countries and I am convinced that things are not as bad as most Filipinos think. Things are worse in other countries.
« Last Edit: January 27, 2010, 06:46:26 AM by renzphotography »


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #21 on: January 27, 2010, 05:44:30 PM »
As in the articles that I have quoted where Australians beat up a British boy to see how the beating would change the color of his blue eyes, or how they made bets so the one who gets to rape a particular boy 100 times first wins, or how food was thrown at the floor and Australians watched the boys fight for food, I still don't see how those could be considered "acceptable" during those times as you would insist Maxims.

My dear Renz,

Please re-read my earlier reply.    You will note, hopefully, that I did not say that the alleged mistreatment you quote was acceptable - I said the term "half-caste" was then acceptable.   If you are going to argue with me, kindly do so on the facts, and kindly refrain from putting words into my mouth.

I repeat that my forebears had little to be proud of in their treatment of Aborigines, and it is undeniable that some (a small proportion) British boys were mistreated.    It is equally undeniable that the majority of British migrants (both the wartime boys and the post-war influx of families) were welcomed and became happy citizens of my country.  As did (and still do) families from many countries.

And Maxims, whatever euphemism you make there are countless of documented accounts by independent media and even testimonies by the victims themselves that eventually led to the extraction of apologies from the Australian government. What more proof do you require?

I require your definition of "countless".  Can you be a little more specific?    Or is "countless" in the same category as the yet-to-be identified "concentration camps"?

Try convincing the Indians who have shown a 46 percent drop in their enrollment this year that racial attacks against Asians is being addressed properly.

Hmmmm..was not your original point that Indians (not Asians) were being attacked by racist Australians?    Kindly do not shift the goalposts when the opposition has the ball.    You might also read the Australian media's accounts of the assaults on Indian students instead of relying on the BBC's regurgitation of the Indian media's somewhat overblown accounts.    Even the leading Indian ciitizens here think that that response is over the top.



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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #22 on: January 29, 2010, 12:08:12 PM »
I must add a postscript to the above reply.   The police in New South Wales have arrested and charged two people with the murder of an Indian national in this country.   The suspects are....wait for it...Indians!


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #23 on: February 01, 2010, 02:39:36 PM »
A further postscript (one that you will probably not see in the Indian media):  Last evening, a group of Indian nationals were (was if you're pedantic) swimming at a Melbourne beach.   Two of their number got into difficulties.   One of them disappeared.   Both were rescued by passers-by who were....wait for it...Australians!
« Last Edit: February 01, 2010, 02:41:32 PM by maxsims »


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #24 on: February 03, 2010, 06:13:03 AM »
And just to drive message home, this is from the Melbourne press:

"...An Indian man who said he was set alight by assailants near his Melbourne home last month accidentally burned himself while torching his car for an insurance claim, police allege.

Jaspreet Singh, 29, of Grice Crescent, Essendon, in the city's north, faced an out-of-sessions hearing early Wednesday before a bail justice at St Kilda Road police complex charged with making a false report to police and criminal damage with a view to gaining a financial advantage.

The case gained international headlines among a series of attacks by white Australians on Indian nationals in Melbourne.

Singh, who is in Australia on his wife's student visa, told police he was doused with petrol and set alight as he parked his car near his home early on Saturday, January 8..."

But Detective Senior Constable Danielle O'Keefe of the arson and explosives squad told the hearing Singh suffered the burns while trying to torch his 2003 Ford Futura.

Det O'Keefe said arson chemists and hospital staff had concluded the damage to the car, Singh's clothes and his injuries were not consistent with his story.

"Police inquiries have led us to believe that Mr Singh is in some financial difficulty and that he intended to sell his car but instead stood to gain $11,000 from an insurance claim out of this particular incident," she told the hearing.

Police had obtained security footage depicting Singh buying a 15-litre opaque plastic container and 15,96 litres of petrol on the day before the attack.


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #25 on: February 05, 2010, 04:00:37 PM »
A last postscript, another one that Renz won't see in the Indian media:

Indian taxi driver charged over bashing passenger

  AN Indian taxi driver is facing charges over the bashing of a passenger who was knocked unconscious in St Kilda.

The 25-year-old passenger was involved in a heated argument with the cab driver around 10pm last night as they pulled over in Acland St in St Kilda.

A witness says the passenger tried to walk away but the cab driver chased him down and had to be restrained by security staff working at a nearby business.

The passenger kept walking away as the cab driver then grabbed a baton from the boot of his cab, drove up next to the passenger and allegedly starting striking the man repeatedly with the weapon, the witness says.

"Within a few minutes, many other cab drivers, all of them Indian, all turned up," witness Karen told Fairfax Radio this morning. "And I could just see how out of hand this is all getting."
« Last Edit: February 05, 2010, 04:04:04 PM by maxsims »


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #26 on: February 06, 2010, 12:58:23 AM »

Alright then, Maxims please keep us updated on similar topics. Articles like this would help everyone maintain a balanced view on issues of interest in Australia.

It would also help if you could copy and paste all the characters in the address bar into your post so we could have a link on the original material you have quoted.


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Re: A harsh, eye-opening retrospective about the Philippines 22 years ago
« Reply #27 on: February 06, 2010, 05:51:26 AM »
Your gracious apology is accepted.