Well Maxims, thank you very much. You have just proven my point. For you to imply that "only half-caste Aborigines" were sent to these camps has made the situation less evil already betrays your racist views.
My dear Renz, By what feat of long-distance mind-reading do you infer that my views are racist? I did not give an opinion, I merely pointed out a fact. If you are alluding to my use of "half-caste", I was simply employing the term that was current, and acceptable, at the time.
As for your concentration camps, although they were not named they definitely existed...
I ask again: identify just one. (Without proof, the other readers in the forum may begin to query the veracity of your other 'facts", too.)
As for Aetas and other minorities, the remoteness of their villages make accessibility to basic services difficult.
What a feeble excuse! Come to Australia and you'll learn what "remote" really is!
At this point, I would say you and your prejudice make you one of those Australians who directly and indirectly condoned such detestable human rights violations.
At this point, I would say that your ignorance of Australia and Australians is equalled only by your embarrassment at your own country's shortcomings. My country has willingly accepted, and continues to accept, migrants from all over the world, including Filipinos. In my own State, fully one-third of the population was born overseas. And Renz, some of them are black!
(This is a postscript several days after the above post. Inasmuch as Renz brought the subject up, I must report that there has been another assault on an Indian student in Melbourne. The police made eight arrests shortly after the incident. The accused are Asian!)