Author Topic: Commentaries on DepEd's K to 12  (Read 13794 times)


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Commentaries on DepEd's K to 12
« on: May 03, 2012, 11:26:33 PM »
Do we have the teachers?
Preparing teachers for the big reform
By Queena N. Lee-Chua
Philippine Daily Inquirer

Secondary School

“The researchers said, if 75 percent was the benchmark for minimum amount of actual learning, math majors achieved an average mean of 51.59 percent; English, 51.67 percent; and biology, 37.86 percent.”

Elementary School

“….In a 2006 survey by NTC researchers, commissioned by the Math Teachers Association of the Philippines (MTAP), results were no better…. Scores of future elementary teachers ranged from 55 to 73 percent, while their secondary counterparts scored even lower, 53 to 65 percent.”

Teachers of Teachers

“Does the problem lie with the teachers of the teachers?
“Their academic preparation, which is Ed.D. in educational management and leadership, does not entitle them to teach with confidence major courses such as modeling for math, biochemistry for biology and stylistics for English,” the report says.


The test scores of teachers mirror the scores of students in basic education. Higher education faces the same problem and the data above show that mastery of subjects is lacking. Teachers not only need to learn how to teach, but as important,what to teach. Learning new styles of teaching, getting introduced to curricular reforms may be achieved in a series of workshops or seminars. Unfortunately, mastery of the subjects to be taught can not. This takes years and Finland took decades. But this is where a possibly successful reform in basic education should begin. The proposed K to 12 misses the places where reforms should be focused: The early years and higher education. (And not at the end of high school). As Finland has demonstrated, working with primary education to attain education for all, while at the same time, promoting quality in higher education, is much cheaper. Higher education reforms mean doing the best, selecting the capable, and providing a few with excellent training. And this is required to solve the problems in basic education.

Visit for a collection of commentaries on DepEd's K to 12. While most discussions/debates on K to 12 are limited to the two additional years, these commentaries focus on the elements of the new curriculum that will be implemented this coming June.


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Re: Commentaries on DepEd's K to 12
« Reply #1 on: May 09, 2012, 12:13:29 AM »
The article below presents data from the WorldBank (luckily with Creative Commons Attribution CC BY 3.0 - I am allowed to copy their graphs and tables and post them). These data paint a very grim picture for the future of the Philippines. We rejoice in isolated achievements of our fellow countrymen, but as a whole, the Philippines is really settling at the bottom.


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Re: Commentaries on DepEd's K to 12
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2012, 05:33:17 AM »
Thank you very much for making this topic a sticky.

The blog has grown. It now includes the following posts:
"First Things First..." is the first article I wrote on K to 12. The article argues against DepEd's K to 12 by examining details of the new curriculum.
"Solving the Problems..." offers insights drawn from the Finnish system of education on how to solve the problems of Philippine basic education.
"A Learner Discovers..." reminds us of the difference between teaching and learning.
"College Admissions..." provides what should be expected from the additional two years of pre-university education.
"DepEd's K to 12 won't solve..." is a news article describing Kabataan Partylist congressman Mong Palatino's views on DepEd's K to 12.
"The Wisdom behind..." questions DepEd's short instructional hours.
"DepEd's spiral curriculum" cites comments from educators abroad on the spiral approach of teaching.
"Hooray, No More Trigonometry" explains why science must be taught in early childhood.
"ChemStart: Looking Back" talks about the experience of learning to teach for the first time.
"Kindergarten is not Daycare" discusses the importance of early childhood learning in addressing learning gaps.
"What can a scientist do" draws from advice from the National Academies of USA on how a scientist may be able to help in basic education.
"Language is More than..." emphasizes that mother-tongue based - multilingual education is so much more than just translating instruction.
"Role of Higher Education" provides relevant statistics that explain the current predicament of Philippine basic education.
"Compulsory Basic Education" brings to focus "Education for All".
"Brigada Eskwela" shows how a community can contribute to basic education. More importantly, it shows how a community-based reform is better than a top-down reform like K to 12.

The blog also includes Flor's critique of commentaries:

and a well-thought commentary from a Filipino American in Illinois:


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Re: Commentaries on DepEd's K to 12
« Reply #3 on: May 26, 2012, 08:07:52 AM »
The following article

supposedly thinks along the same line as
Thinking, Fast and Slow, a 2011 book by Nobel Memorial Prize in
Economics winner Daniel Kahneman

(I was not aware of this book until someone pointed it out after
reading my blog's article)


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Re: Commentaries on DepEd's K to 12
« Reply #5 on: July 10, 2012, 03:42:58 AM »
There are now over one hundred posts on the blog "Philippine Basic Education"

The most recent posts are:

 "A Tale of Two Teachers"


"A Tale of Two Education Reforms"

To aid readers of the blog, there is an overview that helps in navigating the site:

Thank you for your time and attention.


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Re: Commentaries on DepEd's K to 12
« Reply #6 on: August 02, 2012, 01:36:00 AM »
DepEd K to 12: A Second Overview

To expect change is indeed a faraway dream. But this blog will continue and stay, at least to keep reminding us of what we should really do for basic education.