The equator is a menagerie lion running around the center of the earth
In Russia there are vast carnivorous forests
Rivers flow because no-one can stop them
In preparation for the channel crossing Caesar built 18 new vesuls vessils vesles botes
Abraham Lincoln was born in a log cabin that he built with his own hands
Jefferson believed in laissez-fairyism
Law and government
The seats of Senators shall be vaccinated every six years
A child’s definition of jury: A body of men organized to find out which has the smartest lawyer
Ethics is a county in England
An angle is a triangle with only two sides
A triangle is a square with only three corners
The line opposite the right angle is a right-angled triangle and is called the hippopotamus
Religion and society
Sins of omission are those we have forgotten to do
The seventh commandment (translated by a 4 year old): Thou shalt not kick a duckery
Thou shalt not come into the country