Believe it or not, I'd like to be a plumber, a car mechanic, a computer technician (that repairs computers), an electrician. Over the years of living here tells me that the only way one can make honest money regularly, and quickly, would be to have manual skills. We have hired plumbers, builders, electricians over a thirty-year period and I was always fascinated how these workers do their jobs so well; drive their own cars or vans and go home to the comfort of their homes. These workers do not live in slums. Their houses are as good, or better as those working in department stores, banks and call centres. They have bank accounts and are self-employed. So why do people in the Philippines shy away from such blue-collar jobs? To reduce poverty, these should be the things that Filipinos must think of doing: skills here in Europe are highly-prized! No one gets hungry. They can go to any cafe or resto that other white-collar job workers have the privilege of going. As for me, I learned to drive, sew and design my clothes, use the computer. I also taught myself to be a barber to save my husband money, learned to cook British and Spanish food, sat down and learned the Spanish language. I still give private English lessons which is rather rewarding! Indeed, it is worth taking the effort of doing something. You must yearn to learn manual skills! Filipinos, when they have money, hire two or more maids, a driver, a gardener, and other people so they don't have to do the menial jobs at home. My advice? Learn to drive, sew, cook, cut hair, so that money can be saved for a nice treat, like travel, which I have been doing since I learned skills I never dreamt of learning.