Author Topic: Mocha's methodology: Using the art of vulgarity  (Read 7080 times)

Joe Carillo

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Mocha's methodology: Using the art of vulgarity
« on: August 07, 2018, 10:33:00 AM »
Mocha's methodology: Using the art of vulgarity
By Maximo Tumbali, Forum Contributor

Mocha is ex professo a vulgar entertainer. She knows from experience that by coming vulgar to the people, she can easily arrest their attention. By virtue of her being an assistant communication secretary she can freely choose whatever method to use to fulfill a task given to her.

Mocha Uson and blogger Drew Olivar do their pitch with the latter singing the Federalism jingle

At present she's tasked to help in the dissemination of information and knowledge about federalism. With no earlier background whatsoever about federalism and how it works Mocha Uson is so lucky to have been chosen to be the one to spearhead an information campaign aimed at educating the citizenry on the fundaments and principles of federalism.

Now you may ask yourself; Of all the people in our country why Mocha? She's the lucky pick the reason being that Mocha enjoys a massive popularity among our people.

With what she and her co-host have shown do you think Mocha proves to be the wise choice?

Now given the freehand, Mocha feels but not thinks that a lewd or vulgar approach to fulfilling her task as an information disseminator is quite effective. Her instinctual presumption is that people can give all their attention to what is presented to them if done in a manner that can titillate their vulgar desires or instincts. And Mocha is an expert on this.

Utilizing her co-host as a dance interpreter, Mocha is confident that she can hammer into heads of the average-minded people the meaning of federalism. I-pepe.. dede... I-pepe... dede... ralismo is absolutely vulgar a line strong and enticing enough to hold the minds of people who are as vulgar as Mocha.

But how far can this method go in helping the people to get a serious and meaningful grasp or understanding of the fundamentals of federalism?

PEPEDEDERALISMO as catchword coined by Mocha has the literal meaning of something that's visibly erotic and erogenous evident in every woman enjoyed when shown or talked about infront of ordinary audience, especially if done by entertainers like Mocha and her co-host.

The sound of it and what it implies can do more to arrest the attention of people who derive fun and excitement from anything vulgar. But the question remains: How can Mocha via her vulgar method seriously and effectively teach the people about the true meaning of federalism and its advantages if finally adopted as our new system of government?

If she can't move beyond the level of her approach and choose to stay stuck on what titillilates the people, then by all means she will dismally fail in her given task which is to bring to the knowledge of the public the real essence of federalism.

Reactions and comments of Forum members to these contributed personal views of Mr. Maximo Tumbali are welcome. Please keep your opinions and responses civil, straightforward, and to the point. Highly disputatious and virulent language will not be allowed or tolerated.

Senators slam Mocha Uson for 'vulgar' federalism video
« Last Edit: August 07, 2018, 04:11:43 PM by Joe Carillo »