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Messages - Mwita Chacha

Pages: 1 ... 8 9 [10]
You Asked Me This Question / "People killed in accident"
« on: May 18, 2012, 02:50:49 AM »
Is the sentence 'five people have been killed in a plane crash' grammatically flawless? In my view, for one to be killed there must be an agent such as an animal or fellow human being to do the killing. Consequently, I find the sentence incorrect, and instead the word 'die' should be used in place of 'kill'

Member Introductions / Feel privileged
« on: May 11, 2012, 02:19:02 PM »
I am a university student in Tanzania, and I feel privileged to have joined this rich-in-information English website. Honestly, I have been searching for a website like this for the past two years, and it was just yesterday when my desire was satisfied. I must acknowledge that for the past 24 hours of my membership, I have gained more invaluable material than I had done over all the past.

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