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Messages - penmanila

Pages: [1]
Education and Teaching / Re: improving teachers' english
« on: September 06, 2009, 11:18:17 AM »
thanks, but that page wasn't maintained by me, and i honestly can't recall now who did--maybe ian casocot? there's also a "best philippine short stories" site maintained by h. o. santos here:

"best" is, of course, a highly relative term ;)

Greetings Mr. Dalisay. In the past I recall seeing in the internet a webpage that you have maintained that contains links on short stories by Filipino authors.  Is it still working? Do you plan to update this collection?

Education and Teaching / improving teachers' english
« on: September 04, 2009, 10:20:10 AM »
hi, joe, many thanks for opening this forum (and, of course, the website as a whole). one question that i've been thinking about a lot is how we can improve the english of the teachers of english in this country, noting how weak their own command of the language often is. i take that not necessarily as a failure of those persons, but of their own teachers, who probably didn't know any better. how do we arrest this vicious cycle (or, more correctly, this downward spiral) of competence and proficiency, especially as it applies to teachers? do seminars and things of that sort really help?

this is butch dalisay, by the way, signing in ;)

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