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Messages - Manuscriptedit

Pages: [1]
Use and Misuse / Re: Adverbs first?
« on: January 19, 2013, 06:43:38 PM »
An Adverb qualifies a Verb, so it is used before verb when there is no object in a sentence, but when there is an object noun in the sentence, Adverb is used after the subject noun.

Badly Written, Badly Spoken / Idiom
« on: December 31, 2012, 03:46:16 PM »
Idiom refers to a word, phrase or an expression whose collective meaning differs from their individual (words) meaning.

Flash in the pan
Meaning: Short-lived success; promises much, but fails to deliver.
Ex.: Tom got an A+ grade, which was not just a flash in the pan.

Finding your feet
Meaning: Becoming familiar with a new situation, gaining confidence in a new scenario.
Ex.: Paul is yet to find his feet in the entertainment industry.

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