Jose Carillo's English Forum

The Latest Buzz! => Site Announcements => Topic started by: Joe Carillo on May 08, 2010, 12:01:13 AM

Title: Did Noynoy Aquino pad his poll lead in the latest SWS survey?
Post by: Joe Carillo on May 08, 2010, 12:01:13 AM
Did Noynoy Aquino pad his poll lead in the latest Social Weather Stations pre-election survey? Incredible as this revelation might seem, this was precisely what the BusinessWorld was saying in the headline of its news report last Friday (May 7) about the poll survey it conducted jointly with the SWS. Check out my critique of the poll survey reportage of BusinessWorld and two major Metro Manila broadsheets in my special media poll coverage watch for the Philippine national elections.

Read “Wayward goes media’s coverage of the national election campaign” now! (

Title: Re: Did Noynoy Aquino pad his poll lead in the latest SWS survey?
Post by: hill roberts on May 08, 2010, 05:56:48 AM
Noynoy just didn't pad the poll survey, he also had his head padded with photoshop toupee! ;D :o His latest photograph shows a grinning Nonoy, with lots of hair and improved teeth. The length he and his aides and advisers go through to win these elections. It makes me wonder who is more mentallly-deranged? We now know Noynoy to be psychologically troubled and to have advisers and salivating future functionaries running a complex country would be even more daunting. >:( Whatever it is these candidates and their minions are thinking is by all means taking the micky of each of their citizens. "Are you dumb?"  "Yes!" the reply. With considerable trepidation, I may have to resort to shooting Brangelina when asked if I was dumber than the guy sitting next to Kris, as our eyes would criss-cross across the table. She'd stare at me, who knows and in her mind she'd be thinking, under her breath, "Who the hell is she?"  ;D Hey, Kris, it's just me, that perturbed woman who keeps popping in and out of your brother's dreams and hypothetical peccadilloes. Teasing Noynoy would be like teasing a freshly harvested tilapia. Indeed, if I put genuine soy sauce made in the Philippines, he'd waste two hours of his time asking where it was made. As for his ingenuity of admitting to the toupee-gate scandal which I am now making a meal of ::), let this be a lesson to all presidential candidates: ask your mother first whether you want to be a model of muddles or a model with bad hair. Either way, in Noynoy's case, his rapid rise to fame and game must be truly the mother of all smothering outcome. But don't despair. Six years would be another time to reflect on more booo-hoooo and cry-babies. First to queue  for special dispensation? Not me, gov! :P