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Mobile device


Mwita Chacha:
I have found that the quizzes available on this web site can not be solved using a mobile phone, or rather, using my phone. With such a limited access, especially to such a valuable material, I find that I am sort of denied an opportunity to better my abysmal English. I will, therefore, be more than thankful if the questions are made accessible to my device.

Joe Carillo:
We regret that the English-language practice tests in the Forum can't be accessed using conventional mobile phones. They are Microsoft Word files that can only be downloaded using a computer equipped with the Windows operating system. This is a technical limitation of the programming of the Forum website. We therefore suggest that you just download the test files using a laptop or desk computer equipped with that program. You can then print the tests and answer them as paper-and-pencil tests rather than as digital tests.


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