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Messages - cateespimsleur

Pages: [1] 2
your topic is so good , and it is so informative. Thank's for this information.

Thanks for your insight and providing the information.

Going Deeper Into Language / Re: Some Gems of the English Language
« on: April 13, 2012, 10:57:15 AM »
They are undoubtedly the real gems of the language. They will surely increase one's knowledge of the language.

Fascinating information. Thanks indeed.

Language Humor at its Finest / Re: Just a Few Truisms
« on: April 06, 2012, 06:07:58 AM »
Magnificent and excellent posting.

People have to burn their midnight oil to find the meaning. It's really difficult to understand.

Use and Misuse / Re: Between 'these' and 'that'
« on: April 06, 2012, 05:48:11 AM »
Thanks for posting. I think many were confused regarding this.

Pretty interesting. Thank you for suggesting the book.

Such a great post. Social networking websites have become one of the most important tools to reach your feelings effectively to a huge number of people. As information technology has become the part and parcel of life, it is undoubtedly touching all the aspects of life. So it has become such a crucial catalyst for reform.

As English has become the global language, more and more people are using English as their medium of expression. But it's really difficult to ward off the effect of native accent. Yes, the process of communication really becomes very difficult then. One needs to practise hard to acquire get a meticulous accent.

This is one of the most crucial problems that is affecting the modern civilisation. People have to really think out of the box to find the solution.

Useful for all the people who want to test their proficiency level. Thanks a lot.

Thanks for the useful information. In fact it is one of the most confusing things in grammar. So it is going to help them in a great way.

Developing a good speaking skill is not an easy task.  The information is going to help the people who want to develop it.

The questions are really designed to test the skill. It will help in great way.

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