Author Topic: Playlist Update (July 22 - 28, 2017) for the Forum Gateway on Facebook  (Read 3150 times)

Joe Carillo

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To My Facebook Friends and Fans,

For quick access to the Forum’s featured English grammar refreshers and general interest stories, simply click their indicated web links below:

(10 new postings, latest down to earlier postings):

1. “Should verbs always be modified by adverbs ending in ‘-ly’?” (July 28, 2017)

2. “A recovered ancient manuscript changes the course of human thought” (July 27, 2017)

3. “Watching out against the material fallacies – 2” (July 27, 2017)

4. “Is ‘none’ singular or plural?” (July 26, 2017)

5. “Things My Mother Taught Me” (July 25, 2017)

6. “Third conditionals don’t backshift in reported speech” (July 25, 2017)

7. “How long should a sentence be to effectively deliver an idea?” (July 23, 2017)

8. “When notional agreement prevails over plain grammatical agreement” (July 23, 2017)

9. “Open secret to writing English prose that leaps out from the page” (July 22, 2017)

10. “To face life’s tough challenges, do we need fairy tales more than ever?” (July 21, 2017)


1. Two magnificent performances of “The Prayer,” spaced 10 years apart
     (Originally posted January 22, 2017)

2. “The Lovely Clichés Worth Keeping”
     (Originally posted circa 2002   Reposted December 16, 2016)


3. Conversations (4): “The real score about Valentine’s Day”
    (Originally posted February 10, 2010   Reposted February 1, 2014)

4. “Did Rizal ever speak and write in English?”
    (Originally posted January 28, 2010, latest update December 30, 2016)

5. “Conversations (2): A serious bad-grammar syndrome”
   (Reposted January 18, 2017)

6. “Anatomy of media stories that Filipina women have the world’s smallest breasts”
    (Posted July 11, 2016)

7. “Lost in Translation” - 1 and 2
    (Posted December 30, 2016)

8. “Indignities in American minor”
    (Posted October 27, 2016)

Click this link to earlier Playdate features!

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« Last Edit: July 29, 2017, 09:33:55 AM by Joe Carillo »