Author Topic: G-TELP Level 3 Grammar Sample Test #1  (Read 32936 times)

Joe Carillo

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G-TELP Level 3 Grammar Sample Test #1
« on: November 29, 2009, 05:05:22 PM »
Grammar Section

The following items need a word or words to complete the sentence. From the four choices for each item, choose the best answer. Then blacken in the correct circle on your answer sheet.

1.   I am doing a survey about cafeteria services here at Algernon High School. If you could find time to fill out this survey form, I __________ it very much.

(a) had appreciated
(b) would appreciate
(c) would be appreciated
(d) am appreciating

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

2.   Claire forgot that her husband was going to pick her up at her office at 6:00 last night. When he came for her, she __________ home.

(a) has already gone
(b) had already been going
(c) had already gone
(d) was already gone

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

3.   James wanted to watch a movie at the mall on Sunday. He thought of inviting George, his seatmate in class, to join him. Unfortunately, George can’t do so because he __________ out of town this weekend.

(a) was
(b) gone
(c) went
(d) will be going

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

4.   My in-laws will celebrate their 30th wedding anniversary at the end of the month, so I am planning to give them a surprise party. That is why I __________ a function room at Jade Steakhouse, their favorite restaurant.

(a) will be reserving
(b) would be reserved
(c) were reserved
(d) will be reserved

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

5.   Our Chemistry instructor always comes late and unprepared for her lessons. If I knew that she had such bad habits, I ___________ in this class.
(a) am not enrolled
(b) will not have enrolled
(c) would not have enrolled
(d) was not enrolled
Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

6.   Mr. Arturo Chavez, our client from Spain, was impressed when Ms. Rosie Chan presented our marketing plan to him in straight Spanish. He didn’t know that she __________ advanced Spanish language classes in college.

(a) had been taking
(b) had taken
(c) has been taken
(d) were taken

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

7.   Gina borrowed her brother Tony’s car and promised to take good care of it. However, she accidentally bumped a lamppost while backing out of the garage. Because of this, she __________ the car to the repair shop for repairs this afternoon before returning it to her brother.

(a) will bring
(b) bringing
(c) was brought
(d) will be brought

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

8.   Mr. Owens plays the lottery regularly. He tells acquaintances that if he wins the jackpot, he __________ half of the cash prize to his favorite charity.

(a) has given
(b) gave
(c) will give
(d) gives

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

9.   The medical staff at the Wisconsin Central Hospital are very strict with administrative procedures. They will never release any medical record of their patients __________ they receive a court order.

(a) now that
(b) so that
(c) unless
(d) or else

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

10.   Frances and Tina stayed late in school to work on their project. There was no more public transport on the road when they finished at 10:30 p.m., __________ they decided just to hitch a ride home with the school watchman.

(a) but
(b) so
(c) if
(d) or   

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

11.   Roland won the top prize in a promotional raffle conducted by the Leyland Shopping Center. He will receive a cash prize of $50,000. Being business-minded, he _________ the money to start a small business in his hometown.

(a) uses
(b) has used
(c) will use
(d) would be used

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

12.   Our executive producer, Marian Jennings, has a very powerful voice. Very few of her contemporaries know that she __________ in the finest opera houses of London as a professional singer in her own right.
(a) has performed
(b) perform
(c) had been performed
(d) will be performed

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

13.   Norman creates various wooden figurines and sells them for extra income. He can make about four of them every two days. By next week, we estimate that he probably __________ at least 14 new woodcarvings.
(a) makes
(b) will be made
(c) will have made
(d) would be making

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

14.   Nancy was delighted to learn that her mother, who has been working in Dubai for two years, is going home for Christmas next week. Yesterday, however, she was greatly __________ find out that her mother’s vacation leave had been disapproved.

(a) disappointed to
(b) disappointing in
(c) disappointing at
(d) disappointed with

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

15.   Emily loves spicy foreign food. If you plan to invite her out on a date, taking her out to dinner at a Vietnamese or Thai restaurant would impress her __________ taking her out to an American-style steakhouse.

(a) best
(b) better than
(c) most
(d) more than

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

16.   My brother loves to travel abroad. He spends lots of money visiting famous cities and tourist spots. He thinks that if he does not make an effort to learn about other people and places, he __________ as cultured as he thinks he is.
(a) had not been
(b) is not being
(c) would have been
(d) will not be

     Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

17.   Danny is going to Boston to study applied physics. He will stay there for four years until he finishes the course. He tells his acquaintances that when he comes back to San Francisco, he __________ as a physicist.

(a) will have graduated
(b) will graduate
(c) would have graduated
(d) would be graduated

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

18.   When his yacht ran aground and he got marooned on a remote island, Arthur was thankful that he managed to survive. However, he almost gave up the thought of living through the experience. This was because he __________ in the island for over six weeks before he was rescued.

(a) has been stranded
(b) would be stranded
(c) has stranded
(d) had been stranded

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

19.   Mrs. Anderson got a surprise call from her daughter Tina’s high school adviser. She learned that the school had decided to expel Tina.  She was caught cheating in the exams and __________ it when confronted by her instructor.
(a) is admitted
(b) admits
(c) admitting
(d) admitted

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

20.   Leonard, our basketball teammate, is very humble. He has won several Outstanding Player awards over the years and is the most popular student in school, __________ he has never boasted about his achievements.
(a) nor
(b) when
(c) yet
(d) that

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

21.   Police found a bomb last night inside an abandoned car along Grisham Park. They were still trying to determine who owned it. All they could gather from witnesses was that the car __________ left unattended in the park for more than four days.

(a) would be
(b) had been
(c) would have been
(d) shall be

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

22.   I regret that Ms. Fisher has to turn down your invitation for an interview this coming Sunday. She __________ this evening for New York for a two-week tour to promote her new book.

(a) has left
(b) will be left
(c) will leave
(d) would leave

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

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