Author Topic: G-TELP Level 2 Reading and Vocabulary Sample Test #1  (Read 31867 times)

Joe Carillo

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G-TELP Level 2 Reading and Vocabulary Sample Test #1
« on: November 16, 2009, 12:44:49 PM »

You will read four passages. Each passage is followed by comprehension and vocabulary questions. From the four choices for each item, choose the best answer. Then blacken in the correct circle on your answer sheet.

PART 1.  Read the following biographical narrative and answer the questions. The underlined words in the article are for vocabulary questions.

Bertrand Russell

The British philosopher and writer Bertrand Arthur William Russell was born in Trelleck, Wales, on May 18, 1872. The son of John, the Viscount of Amberley, and his wife Katherine, he was also a grandson of Lord John Russell, a former British prime minister. Orphaned at age three, Bertrand and his elder brother were raised by their grandparents. He learned French and German early in life and acquired a strong sense of social consciousness.

Russell obtained a first-class degree from Trinity College in Cambridge, after which he worked briefly as an attaché at the British embassy in Paris. He married Alys Pearsall Smith in 1894 but eventually divorce her. In 1903, he published his Principles of Mathematics, in which he argued that mathematics could be derived from logic. Later, co-writing with Alfred North Whitehead, he further expounded on the ideas contained in the book in the monumental Principia Mathematica (1910-1913).

In 1910, Russell was appointed lecturer at Trinity College. When World War I broke out, however, he became engrossed in politics. He came into conflict with the British government because of his pacifism and refusal to bear arms on moral grounds. This resulted in the loss of his Trinity fellowship in 1916 and his imprisonment for six months in 1918. It was while in prison that he wrote his Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy in 1919. Upon his release, he visited Russia and China. When he got back to England, he and his second wife, Dora Black, founded the progressive Beacon Hill School for children, and they co-managed it for four years. In 1931, when his brother died, Russell inherited the title 3rd Earl Russell. Divorced by Dora in 1935, he married Patricia Helen Spence the following year. This second divorce and re-marriage made his book Marriage and Morals (1932) highly controversial.

In 1938, Russell went to the United States to teach as a lecturer at the City College in New York. His appointment as lecturer was terminated in 1940 because of complaints that he was an “enemy of religion and morality.” This happened even if he had already abandoned his pacifist stance the previous year. When he returned to England after World War II, he was accorded an Order of Merit, then was chosen to give the first BBC Reith Lectures in 1949. He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1950, earning the citation of “champion of humanity and freedom of thought.” Later in his life, he continued to write and publish important works, among them the best-selling History of Western Philosophy (1945) and various papers on social, moral, and religious issues. He married Edith Finch in 1952, his third marriage, then became an advocate of nuclear disarmament. When he was already 89 years of age, he was again imprisoned for joining an antinuclear demonstration. He wrote his three-volume autobiography (1967-1969) as his last major publication.

Russell died in Wales on February 2, 1970 and is considered today as a major philosopher and a leading social reformer of the 20th century.
Adapted from,, and other sources

53. What was cited as a major attribute of the young Bertrand Russell?

      (a) prolific in writing
      (b) deeply religious
      (c) politically ambitious
      (d) socially aware

      Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

54. Which book written by Bertrand Russell became the subject of heated public debate?

      (a) History of Western Philosophy
      (b) Introduction to Mathematical Philosophy
      (c) Marriage and Morals
      (d) Principles of Mathematics

      Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

55.  What is not an appropriate description of Bertrand Russell?

      (a) He exercised his freedom of expression to the fullest extent. 
      (b) His major works emphasized the importance of critical thinking.
      (c) He was a very influential but controversial public figure.
      (d) His personal life precisely reflected conventional morality.

      Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

56. What was not mentioned about Bertrand Russell?

       (a) his children
       (b) his political beliefs
       (c) his major publications
       (d) his education

       Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

57. In the context of the passage, attaché means __________.

(a) administrator
(b) researcher
(c) representative
(d) scholar

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

58. In the context of the passage, monumental means __________.

(a)   pretentious
(b)   massive
(c)   popular
(d)   controversial

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

59. In the context of the passage, pacifism means __________.

(a) resistance to authority
(b) disapproval of tradition
(c) criticism of society
(d) opposition to war

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

PART 2.  Read the following Web news feature and answer the questions. The underlined words in the article are for vocabulary questions.

Bridging the Gender Gap in Science

In 1981, when she arrived for a fellowship at Berlin's Institute for Advanced Study, Helga Nowotny, an Austrian sociologist of science, found that only one of the 19 other fellows was female. Today, she has returned to the Institute as a visiting academic, and she finds the situation to have changed greatly. "Almost half of [the number of] fellows are women," she observes.

Indeed, researchers across the European Union are one in saying that things are better than ever for women in science, but they concede that a lot still needs to be done. Even if Europe's need for scientific talent has been growing, many of its female scientists still do not get equal opportunities. About 40% of doctoral-degree recipients are women, as are 30% of science and engineering graduates; in the private sector, however, women make up only 15% of researchers. This gender gap is biggest in Austria, where only 9% of researchers are female, and in Germany, where the figure is 9.6%. Only one woman has won a Nobel Prize in science—Germany's Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard—and only in the 1990s. The science laboratory has remained a traditionally male-dominated place. This, Nowotny points out, is despite the fact that women are “as gifted as men.” She maintains that there must be a mechanism to encourage women to compete.

To bridge the gender gap, the E.U. is trying to fund initiatives to support women scientists and to require gender-equality action plans. Many researchers argue, though, that science itself tends to suffer when factors such as gender are used to determine funding. Also, such policies focus on women who have already chosen scientific careers. To encourage young people to pursue science, the researchers believe, longer-term solutions must be pursued. An adviser at the Academy of Finland, Hannele Kurki, says that an early introduction to science may help break down gender stereotypes. With this Jürgen Hambrecht agrees, observing that girls are important "because of differences in character between men and women. [In the workplace], they are exactly the bridge we need." Hambrecht is the chief executive of BASF, the German chemicals giant that runs a laboratory where young students of both genders get hands-on exposure to chemistry.

Thankfully, scientific institutions now also realize setting the example is the best way to inspire young scientists, whether female or male. At the Berlin Institute 20 years ago, Nowotny recalls, the fellows were incredulous that the only other female fellow in the institute was pregnant. Today, to promote a family-friendly environment, fellows are encouraged to bring their families. This is just one way for institutions to make science a fulfilling career for more women.
Adapted from “Giving Girl Power a Boost” by Jeff Chu. January 11,2004

60.  What is the dominant tone of the article?   

(a) skeptical
(b) supportive
(c) apologetic
(d) dismissive

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

61.  According to the passage, what is the percentage of women researchers in Europe’s
private sector?   
(a) 9%
(b) 9.6%
(c) 15%
(d) 30%

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

62. What is Helga Nowotny’s opinion about women and their role in science?   
(a) There are few female scientists in Europe because women are unsuited for the job.
(b) Few women win scientific awards because males dominate award-giving bodies. 
(c) More research fellowships should go to female scientists in the public sector.
(d) Female scientists are as skilled as males but need more opportunities to excel. 

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

63. What long-term solution is suggested to address the lack of women scientists in Europe?   

(a) provide higher social security benefits to families of scientists
(b) give more incentives to young females to get scientific training
(c) revise the employment policies of scientific research institutes
(d) give more scholarships to female science students

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

64.  What is not mentioned in the passage?

(a) the compensation rates for male and female scientists 
(b) a recent development in science education in Germany
(c) women-friendly policies of certain scientific institutions
(d) the percentage of European science graduates

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

65. In the context of the passage, stereotypes means __________.

(a) traditions
(b) conditions
(c) influences
(d) prejudices

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

66.  In the context of the passage, incredulous means __________.

(a) disappointed
(b) disbelieving
(c) displeased
(d) disapproving

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

PART 3.  Read the following encyclopedia article and answer the questions. The underlined words in the article are for vocabulary questions.


Plastics are any of numerous organic synthetic or processed materials that can be formed into various products. Their molecules consist of large, long carbon chains that give them their many unique and highly useful properties. Materials made up of these extended chainlike molecules are generally known as polymers.

The word plastic comes from the words plasticus (Latin for “capable of molding”) and plastikos (Greek for “to mold” or “fit for molding”). Materials made of plastics can be made as strong as steel, as transparent as glass, as light as wood, and as elastic as rubber. They can also be take on almost any color desired, and can be alloyed to generate more useful varieties. To date, over 50 families of plastics have already been produced, and new types are currently under development.

Synthetic plastics are a relatively new invention, but natural plastics have been in use for thousands of years. The ancient Egyptians engaged in the practice of wrapping their mummies in burial cloths soaked in resins, which are gum-like or semisolid substances. Several other cultures likewise used natural resin-bearing animal horns and turtle shells to produce spoons, combs, and buttons. During the middle of the 19th century, shellac (a substance secreted by the insect called lac) was used in molding small cases, phonograph records, and mirror frames. Scientists late in the 19th century created many more types of plastics in the laboratory and developed more efficient ways of producing them. Among the major contributors to the development of plastics was Leo Baekeland, who created phenolic resin, which is also called Bakelite. This material has been used in making telephones, pot handles, and several other products. By the 1930s, German, British, and American companies had begun to produce water-soluble, flexible, and durable polymers called acrylics.

Now indispensable to modern life, plastic are used extensively in such industries as automobile and aircraft manufacturing, food packaging, and health care. Extremely useful as they are, however, plastics also have disadvantages. Some plastics produce noxious fumes when burned, and their use has led to a growing garbage problem in many parts of the world. To address this, such ways as reducing plastics consumption and recycling plastic wastes are now being pursued.
Adapted from "Plastics," Microsoft Encarta Online Encyclopedia 2004. © 1997-2004 Microsoft Corporation.

67. What generic term is used for materials that are composed of chainlike molecules?

(a) acrylic
(b) resins
(c) shellac
(d) polymers

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

68.  In the Greek and Latin words from which “plastic” was derived, which property of the material is described?   

(a) durability
(b) transparency
(c) flexibility
(d) lightness

       Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

69.  According to the passage, what major development in the history of plastics occurred in the late 19th century?

(a) Industrial firms discovered natural resins useful in the production of plastics.
(b).American health care companies actively promoted plastic waste recycling. 
(c) Plastics technology became a formal course in European universities   
(d) Scientists began to develop more and better ways of producing plastics. 

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

70.  Which industry was not mentioned as among those that use plastics extensively?

 (a) building construction
 (b) car manufacturing
 (c) health care
 (d) food packaging

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

71.  Which statement is not accurate about plastics?
(a) Natural forms of plastic have been used by many civilizations over the millennia.
(b) The widespread use of plastics has had a negative effect on the environment.
(c) The search for more durable and more useful plastics is no longer being pursued.
(d) Many varieties of plastic materials have become necessary in everyday living.

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

72.  In the context of the passage, alloyed means __________.

(a) blended
(b) melted
(c) divided
(d) shattered
Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

73.  In the context of the passage, noxious means __________. 

(a) widespread
(b) powerful
(c) smelly
(d) harmful

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

PART 4.  Read the following business letter and answer the questions. The underlined words in the article are for vocabulary questions.

November 6, 2009

Mr. Robert Pearson
Executive Director
Pearson Architectural Group
58 Marlborough St.
Boston, MA 02116

Dear Mr. Pearson:

The Boston Architecture Society (BAS) is conducting several adult education classes for Summer 2010. We invite you and your personnel at the Pearson Architectural Group to enroll in any of these course offerings:

Historic European Architecture and Modern Boston. Course participants will discover how France in the Middle Ages and Italy during the Renaissance later influenced the construction of Boston’s civic buildings, school campuses, and homes. The resource person is Ms. Carolyn Jennings, art and architecture professor at the College of McGrath County, Madison, MA.

Fundamentals of City Planning. Participants will take up issues of urbanism or the lifestyles of city dwellers, including theories of city structures and the history of urban design in Italy, France, and the United States. The course will also analyze recent trends in North American and global city design. The resource person is Prof. John S. Spencer of the Urban Design Center, Boston University.

Architectural Geology of the Boston Area. Participants will learn the connection between natural elements and architecture and discover how city planners altered the Massachusetts coastline and sewerage system. This course includes three downtown walking tours. The resource person is Ms. Rowena O’Fanlon, environmental geologist of the State of Massachusetts.

Please refer to the attached sheet for the course schedules, venues, and registration fees, Your BAS membership entitles you and your personnel to a 15% discount. You may register in person at the BAS offices or online at   
I look forward to your participation in at the BAS courses. Thank you.


Claire B. Owens
Program Director

Boston Architecture Society
224 Storrow Drive, Boston MA 02116
Tel: (623).9320400

74.  Why did the man write the letter?

       (a) to convince the woman to join an organization of architects
       (b) to invite the woman to the inaugural of a building in Boston
       (c) to request the woman to deliver a lecture on city planning
       (d) to offer short courses to personnel of a design company

       Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

75.  Who will lecture about European influences on the architecture of Boston?

       (a) John Spencer
       (b) Carolyn Jennings
       (c) Claire Owens
       (d) Rowena O’Fanlon

       Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

76.  What was said about the “Fundamentals of City Planning” course?

       (a) It will include a tour of major European and American cities.
       (b) It will be handled by a well- known environmental activist.
       (c) It will describe worldwide developments in urban design.
       (d) It will show how lifestyles influence the design of buildings.

       Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

77.  What did the woman say was attached to the letter?

      (a) a list of BAS members and their contact details
      (b) a document containing details about the courses
      (c) a summary of the instructors’  qualifications
      (d) a map giving directions to the BAS offices

       Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

78. What was not mentioned in the letter?

       (a) the official designation of the letter sender
       (b) the discount being offered to BAS members
       (c) the ways for interested parties to register
       (d) the number of sessions for each course
      Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

79.  In the context of the passage, urbanism means __________.

      (a) the way of life in cities 
      (b) the income levels of cities
      (c) the strict rules observed in cities
      (d) the population density of cities

      Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

80.  In the context of the passage, sewerage means __________.

      (a) expressway
      (b) drainage
      (c) seaport
      (d) landscape

      Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

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« Last Edit: November 28, 2009, 07:20:45 PM by Joe Carillo »