Author Topic: G-TELP Level 2 Grammar Sample Test #1  (Read 35345 times)

Joe Carillo

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G-TELP Level 2 Grammar Sample Test #1
« on: November 16, 2009, 12:20:17 PM »

The following items need a word or words to complete the sentence. From the four choices for each item, choose the best answer. Then blacken in the correct circle on your answer sheet.

1    Justine Davenport has written several fiction books with intriguing female characters. Among these are her novel In the Raw, which has been made into a movie, and The Final Farewell, which is based on the experiences of a French woman living in London. In her next novel, Davenport __________ the story of a female doctor who commits a horrible crime. 
 (a) will be recounting
 (b) would be recounted
 (c) was recounting
 (d) has been recounted

       Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

2.   Isabelle was only six years old when her father, an army major, was assigned to India. He took the whole family to live in a military camp in New Delhi. Now in her 30s, Isabelle says that she had an enjoyable childhood there, and __________ she remembers most was going downtown to watch the sacred cows roam freely on the streets.

(a) how
(b) what
(c) who
(d) when
      Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

3.   Puerto Galera is a beautiful beach resort community in Mindoro Island in the Philippines. Local residents accept local and foreign tourists as stay-in guests. What makes the place even more interesting are five inland hamlets with tree-lined routes with sweeping views of the island's less aquatic side away from the __________ part of town. 

(a) as busy as
(b) busier than
(c) as busy
(d) busiest

      Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

4.   Researchers at Reginald University have analyzed the effect of diet on 100 people suffering from chronic migraines. The study showed that those who consumed less than 35 grams of fat per day had fewer and less severe attacks. Based on this, some medical doctors __________ their migraine-suffering patients to decrease their fat intake.

(a) are now advised
(b) now advising
(c) are now advising
(d) have now been advised

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

5.   When Mrs. Sanders was diagnosed to have Alzheimer’s disease last year, her family knew very little about that ailment. However, her husband and two sons realized that the best way to help her cope with the disease was to learn about it. This is why they __________ in awareness campaigns about Alzheimer’s since then.
 (a) were participating actively
 (b) will participate actively
 (c) have been participating actively
 (d) were participated actively

       Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

6.   Anthony Ferris has an extraordinary background for a museum curator. He does not have a degree in art history and has never been employed full-time by an art institution. Nevertheless, he was hired by an experimental art museum and ________ as its co-director for several years now.

(a) would be working
(b) has been working
(c) had been worked
(d) was working

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

7.    Film critics generally thought that Gore Verbinski's Pirates of the Caribbean movie series was innovative and amusing. However, many reviewers criticized what they considered the film’s profound repetitiveness and narrative excesses. They said that if its producers had given the script more thought, they __________ several awful dialogues and dragging scenes.

(a) would have been eliminated
(b) had been eliminating
(c) could have eliminated
(d) will be eliminating

      Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

8.   Some people believe that coffee can cause acne. However, Platt University dermatology professor Reginald Brown says that acne is caused more by physical stress and hormonal problems than by drinking coffee. Therefore, he explains, people who __________ coffee as a stimulant have nothing to worry about.

(a) have been taking
(b) have been taken
(c) are being taken
(d) were taken

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

9.    William Danner, the multi-awarded newspaperman, often tells campus journalists that truly balanced news reporting is not easy. Nevertheless, he challenges them to make every effort to achieve that balance in campus as well as in their later careers. He says _________ deliver the fair and truthful reporting the reading public expects.

(a) that they may
(b) that they have
(c) that they were
(d) that they must

       Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

10.  George, an IT expert, has studied the usefulness of his company's website. He has identified its poorly visited pages and suggested some major improvements. However, his manager thinks that his recommendations would have carried more weight if he __________ the specific website users and their information needs. 

(a) will also be identifying
(b) had also been identified
(c) had also identified
(d) would also be identified

      Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

11.  A cousin of mine recently gave me a hardbound collection of the 500 most outstanding short stories in English. Because the book is quite thick, I cannot carry it around to read outside the house. However, if I __________ to go out of town on a weekend, I would definitely take that book with me.

(a) were
(b) have
(c) am
(d) was

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

12. Over a period of 12 years, the Walt Disney Concert Hall in Los Angeles was built at a cost of $275 million. The structure was designed by the architect Frank Gehry. Observers say that Gehry __________ it as the counterpart in the United States of the Guggenheim Museum in Bilbao, Spain, which he also designed.

(a) has been conceived
(b) having conceived
(c) will conceive
(d) must have conceived

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

13. Lucy loves to play compact discs on her laptop. However, she often forgets to take out the discs from the CD-ROM drive after playing them. When her brother Stephen, a computer engineer, found out about this, he said that Lucy _______ both the discs and the CD-ROM unknowingly.

(a) could be damaged
(b) had been damaging
(c) would have damaged
(d) was damaged

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

14. Leading-edge company Caravelle Corp. is developing a new-generation disc, which it hopes will replace existing DVDs. The new disc is said to have 50 times more storage room than the usual DVD. Caravelle __________ the new product by early next year. 

(a) would be sold
(b) had sold
(c) would have sold
(d) will be selling

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

15. In 2002, the New Mexico governor vetoed a bill in the legislature proposing a statewide system for monitoring cases of HIV. Health officials were aghast over the governor's decision. They said that the bill __________ as an effective mechanism for the spread of HIV in the state.

(a) will serve
(b) has been served
(c) would have served
(d) would be served

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

16. Montand’s editor sent him to Leningrad to start writing an article about trends in dressing during the Alexandrian period. He thought the topic was uninteresting until he saw the magnificent Russian costumes at the city’s museums. Afterwards, he became so excited that he sent the finished article to his editor __________ he was still in Leningrad.

(a) while
(b) so
(c) that
(d) but

Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

17.  Elmo Sorkin developed a well-known brand of electric pianos and other musical instruments. His fascination with electronics began when he was just a teenager. As a college freshman in 1969, he __________ sound systems that he leased to organizers of college events.

(a) had already been made
(b) would have already made
(c) has already made
(d) was already making

 Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

18.  Dr. Arthur Gould is a neurosurgeon and his wife Amelia is an expert in plastic surgery. They  established Happy Face in 1995 to provide free facial improvement surgery to poor children with harelip and major scarified tissue. For almost twenty years now, Happy Face __________ hundreds of children in more than 30 underdeveloped countries.

(a) would have helped
(b) has been helping
(c) was helping
(d) would help

      Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

19.  In the 1980s, a band called The Tourniquets was formed in Norfolk, Virginia. The band rehearsed every day but only achieved short-lived success. Several music critics have  observed that this was __________ the band merely imitated the repertoire of its hit-making contemporaries instead of coming up with their own unique sound.
(a) when
(b) that
(c) because
(d) although

 Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

20.  Helen wants to give her boss in the office a special birthday gift, so she will look for a bottle        of champagne at Fellini’s Winery tomorrow. She has asked the vintner to help her choose from the store’s wide selection of vintage wines. She __________ a wine of impeccable quality that have been aged for at least 12 years.

(a) will have chosen
(b) would have chosen
(c) was choosing
(d) will be choosing

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

21.  Erica’s students enjoy her entertaining way of teaching physical science. Tomorrow, they will learn about earthquakes through classroom lectures as well as practical applications. Before the week is over, they __________ small earthquake-proof structures for exhibition at the school’s science fair. 

(a) will be constructing
(b) could be constructed
(c) could have constructed
(d) were constructing

      Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

22.  A group of Asian-American women in Savannah, Georgia, has been making quilts for many decades now. Quilt-making has become both a source of livelihood for them and a mode for artistically expressing themselves. Each quilt-maker __________ her own unique approach to the craft, making sure that no two quilts are look-alikes.

(a) has been applying
(b) had been applied
(c) would have applied
(d) is being applied

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

23.  In only two years, the Lake Beavers has become the team to watch in Ontario's amateur football league. Its coach says that the team is made up of highly capable players. He thinks that the team would truly shine if only it __________ a larger fan base and several more corporate sponsors.

 (a) will be generated
 (b) would have generated
 (c) is generating
 (d) could generate

 Answer: ⓐ   ⓑ   ⓒ   ⓓ

24.  Car technicians warn that a car will not give a smooth ride if any of its four tires is not balanced. They point out that an out-of-balance tire will make the car vibrate at certain speeds, usually from 50 mph to 70 mph. They explain that a tire is out of balance when one section of it is __________ than the others.

(a) heavy as
(b) heaviest
(c) heavier
(d) as heavy

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

25.  According to the University of Flanders, more than 65% of new teachers who graduated from it have found employment in Flanders itself. However, some new teachers opted to teach in faraway cities. These teachers said that they __________ in Flanders if only good opportunities had been available to them locally.

(a) would have stayed
(b) have been staying
(c) will stay
(d) are staying

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

26. Anthony used to think that good but affordable books could be found only at used-books shops. However, this view of his changed last week when he chanced upon the site Since then, he __________ the website to look for out-of-print titles priced at only $2 to $8.

(a) could have explored
(b) would be explored
(c) has been exploring
(d) was exploring

Answer: ⓐ  ⓑ  ⓒ  ⓓ

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« Last Edit: July 05, 2011, 11:03:26 AM by Joe Carillo »